3rd Hydrological Advisers Forum, Region III - South America
The 3rd Hydrological Advisers Forum of the World Meteorological Organization - Region III South America (WMO RA III) was held by videoconference on 26 August 2021. It was chaired by the acting Regional Hydrological Adviser of RA III, Mr Fabio Bernal, and brought together Hydrological Advisers and Permanent Representatives from the countries in the region, as well as relevant staff of the WMO Secretariat.
The agenda was as follows*:
- Welcome (F. Bernal, acting Regional Hydrological Adviser for RA III)
- WMO Hydrological Observing System (WHOS) + discussion (I. Chernov, WMO, J. Bianchi, member of JET-HYDMON and S. Pecora, VP of INFCOM)
- WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) regional implementation + discussion (J. Cullmann, WMO)
- Regional information and consultation meetings ahead of Cg-Ext 2021 (C. Caponi, WMO)
- Any other issues (including date and possible topics for next forum) (all)
*interpretation between Spanish and English was available
Useful links
- WHOS Phase II Community Website
- HydroSOS Website
- EC-73 Doc 3 Preparation of the Extraordinary Session of Congress in 2021
- Report of the meeting (esp)
- WMO Hydrological Observing System (WHOS)
- WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS)
- Regional information and consultation meetings ahead of Cg-Ext 2021
Photo of the forum