Expert Meeting on Climate Data Modernisation

Expert Meeting on Climate Data Modernisation

KNMI, De Bilt, the Netherlands, 16-18 April 2018


Project:  Inter-Programme  Expert Team on Climate Data Modernisation


The Commission for Climatology inter-programme initiative on High Quality Global Data Management Framework for Climate (HQ-GDMFC) aims at making use of an extended range of climate data types needed to support GFCS Climate Services Information System (CSIS), and harmonizing the definitions and processes that deal with climate data. Executive Council requested (Abridged final report EC-65) CCl to work closely with other Commissions and programmes to move from a concept to the definition of a High Quality Global Data Management Framework.

The international workshop on information management which was convened by CCl and CBS, 4-6 October 2017, included a recommendation for a project plan for climate data sets and access. A key conclusion was that a concept of ''Trusted'' datasets need to be defined by process endorsed by WMO. Datasets must meet standards defined by a maturity index approach. The main expected outcome of the expert meeting on climate data modernisation is the development of a catalogue of "trusted" high quality data sets that will be referenced in the WMO technical regulations (WIS) and made easily accessible for a timely use in the analysis of policy relevant climate change indicators.

