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  WMO's WWRP advances society's ability to cope with high impact   weather through research focused on improving the accuracy, lead  time and utilization of weather prediction.                               

     Research and Development Projects (RDPs)   

        Forecast Demonstration Projects (FDPs)




PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games Research & Development Project



The RDP/FDP aims to improve the understanding of severe weather in winter over complex terrain through intensive observations and tests of the predictability of high resolution NWP and nowcasting systems including verification in support of the 2018 Pyeong-Chang Winter Olympic Games.



This RDP aims to demonstrate the capability of nowcasting and mesoscale modelling techniques in support of the development of the next generation aviation initiative, namely, the Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) under the new Global Aviation Navigation Plan (GANP) which was endorsed by ICAO in 2013.

Understanding and Prediction of Rainfall Associated with landfalling Tropical cyclones



TC Rain

The RDP aims to advance the understanding and prediction of rainfall associated with landfalling TCs focusing on multi-scale dynamical and physical processes that govern rainfall intensity and rainfall distribution in landfalling TCs.


This RDP aims to improve our understanding of the structures and evolution of the South China heavy-rain-producing storms during the monsoon outbreak period and improve prediction of these high-impact rainfall events through field campaigns, data processing and sharing, numerical modeling and analysis.




The TLFDP aims to demonstrate the performance of the most advanced forecasting techniques for landfalling typhoons during the World Expoheld in Shanghai in 2010.The FDP was extended to 2015 to include research on TC genesis.


Tokyo Metropolitan Area Convection Study for Extreme Weather Resilient Cities    (TOMACS)  




This RDP aims to understand the processes and mechanisms of extreme weather, using dense meteorological observation networks designed in the Tokyo metropolitan district, develop a monitoring and predicting system of extreme phenomena (MPSEP), and implement social experiments on extreme weather resilient cities in collaboration with related government institutions, local governments, private companies, and residents.



logo HyMeX

The Project aims to improve our understanding of the water cycle, with emphasis on extreme events, by monitoring and modelling the Mediterranean atmosphere-land-ocean coupled system, its variability from the event to the seasonal and interannual scales, and its characteristics over one decade (2010-2020) in the context of global change, and assess the social and economic vulnerability to extreme events and adaptation capacity.




(The Lake Victoria Project)



lake vic
The RDP aims to better understand the dynamics of Lake Victoria thunderstorms. Proposal includes an extensive field programme, participation of local weather services and international research community to develop capabilities that will lead to greater safety for people dependent on Lake Victoria for their livelihood. An extensive high resolution modeling programme is also planned.



La Plata Basin RDP





The RDP aims to improve the assessment of state-of-the-art models ability to anticipate extreme weather conditions and to quantify their skill,analyze the sources of model errors in order to feedback the development of models itself, evaluate the impact of extra data in the quality of forecasts and use TIGGE outputs to develop products/tools adequate for extreme weather forecast in the region.


To understand the societal and economic dimensions of weather-related warning systems



Forecast and Research: The  Olympic Sochi   Testbed





     SOCHI 2014  

FROST-2014 FDP/RDP was conducted during the 2014 Winter Olympic Games held in Sochi, Russia to develop a comprehensive information resource of alpine winter weather observations to improve high-resolution deterministic mesoscale forecasts of meteorological conditions during winter in complex terrain environment.


Integrated Nowcasting System for the Central European Area   




INCA-CE was a 3 yr-project established a state-of-the-art, high-resolution, real-time analysis and forecast system on atmospheric, hydrological, and surface conditions to reduced the adverse effects of weather-related natural disasters (e.g. wind-storms, flooding, mudflows, icing, drought).

DIAbatic influence on Mesoscale structure in Extratropical storms


DIAMET aimed to better understand how mesoscale processes in cyclones give rise to severe weather and how they can be better represented in models and result to better forecasts.

Science and Nowcasting of Olympic Weather for Vancouver 2010 (SNOW-V10)

SNOW- V10 promoted and showcased winter weather nowcasts under complex terrain during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games held in Whistler, Vancouver, Canad.a


    Beijing2008      (B08 RDP/FDP)


B08 was a WWRP short range weather forecasting research project which was conducted during the Beijing Olympic Games in August 2008. The FDP component demonstrated the progress in nowcasts while the RDP component dealt with studies on quantitative precipitation forecasts, convective initiation and summer severe weather.


Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS)


COPS was an international field campaign where a large suite of state-of-the-art meteorological instrumentation was operated, partially combined for the first time.This included networks of in situ and remote-sensing systems such as the Global Positioning System as well as a synergy of multi-wavelength passive and active remote-sensing instruments such as advanced radar and lidar systems.

MAP Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of Flood Events (MAP D-PHASE)


MAP D-PHASE was an end-to-end forecasting system for Alpine flood events which was set up to demonstrate the benefits in forecasting heavy precipitation and related (flash) flood events, as gained from the improved understanding, refined atmospheric and hydrological modelling, and advanced technological abilities acquired through research work during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP).


Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP)

MAP logo
MAP was an international research initiative devoted to the study of atmospheric and hydrological processes over mountainous terrain. It aimed to expand our knowledge of weather and climate over complex topography, and thereby to improve current forecasting capabilities.


Sydney 2000


Sydney 2000 was an FDP which demonstrated the predictive capabilities of short-range weather forecasting (nowcasting) tools, including those either under development in research institutions, or in operational use in meteorological services around the world, during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.
TCTEF NWP-TCEFP explored the utility of ensemble forecast products through TIGGE and thus promote application of the products to the operational forecasting of tropical cyclones.