Strengthening Operational Agrometeorological Services at the National Level-AGM 9
Strengthening Operational Agrometeorological Services at the National Level
Proceedings of a Inter-Regional Workshop held 22-26 March 2004 in Manila, Philippines
Edited by R. Motha, M.V.K. Sivakumar, and M. Bernardi
AGM-9, WMO/TD-No. 1277

Table of Contents
Cover, Title Page, Table of Contents, Forward, and Executive Summary [PDF - 0.5 MB] | |
Operational Agrometeorological Services: National Perspectives | |
Operational Agrometeorological Services in the Philippines By Aida Jose, Flaviana Hilario, and Nathaniel Cruz [PDF - 0.4 MB] | pages 1-8 |
Monitoring and Early Warning Systems for Potentially Dangerous Vegetation Fires in Cuba by Oscar Solano, R. Vázquez, J. A. Menéndez, E. Pérez, and M. Figueredo [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 9-17 |
Operational Agrometeorological Services: Regional Perspectives | |
Perspectives from Regional Association I (Africa) by Haroun Abdalla and Isaac Tarakidwa [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 18-23 |
Perspectives from Regional Association II (Asia) by G.A. Kamali, Nguyen Van Viet, and M. Rahimi [PDF - 0.3 MB] | pages 24-33 |
Agrometeorological Services Required Under Emergency Situations: An Example from Afghanistan by Rabah Lekhal and M.F. Zaheer [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 34-44 |
Perspectives from Regional Association III (South America) by Constantino Alarcon Velazco and Miguel Egana [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 45-53 |
Perspectives from Regional Association IV (North & Central America) by Oscar Solano [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 54-68 |
Perspectives from Regional Association V (South-West Pacific) by Rizaldi Boer, Flaviana Hilario, Simon McGree, Bonifacio Pajuelas, and Tan Lee Seng [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 69-80 |
Perspectives from Regional Association VI (Europe) by Zoltan Dunkel and Adriana Marica [PDF - 0.7 MB] |
pages 81-100 |
Operational Agrometeorological Services: International Perspectives | |
Requirements for Agrometeorological Services: International Perspectives by M.V.K. Sivakumar [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 101-113 |
Coordinating Role of the Food and Agriculture Organization in Developing Tools and Methods to Support Food-Security Activities in National Agrometeorological Services by Michele Bernardi and Rene Gommes [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 114-124 |
EU/JRC Agrometeorological Monitoring Approach and National Services: Opportunities and Challenges by Thierry Negre [PDF - 0.1 MB] |
pages 125-127 |
Strengthening Operational Agrometeorological Services: A Critical Review | |
Shortcomings and Limitations in the Availability and Application of Agrometeorological Data by Robert Stefanski [PDF - 0.1 MB] |
pages 128-136 |
Shortcomings and Limitations in Analytical Tools and Methods of Provision of Operational Agrometeorological Services by Jeffrey Andresen [PDF - 0.4 MB] | pages 137-144 |
Dissemination of Agrometeorological Information by Sue Walker [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 145-155 |
Strengthening Operational Agrometeorological Services: Needs from Agricultural Sector | |
Current and Potential Functions of National Agrometeorological Services: The Agricultural Demand Side by Istiqlal Amien [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 156-170 |
Establishing and Improving Linkages between National Weather Services and Agricultural Sector: A USDA Perspective by Raymond P. Motha [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 171-188 |
Institutionalizing Climate Information Applications: Indonesian Case by Rizaldi Boer, Arjunapermal Subbiah, Kusnomo Tamkani, Hery Hardjanto, and Soetarto Alimoeso [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 189-198 |
Operational Agrometeorological Services for Extension Needs and the Supportive Role of Agricultural Research by V.R.K. Murthy and C.J. Stigter [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 199-208 |
A Review of Agrometeorological Monitoring Tools and Methods Used in the West African Sahel by Seydou Traore, Brahima Sidibe, Bakary Djaby, Abdallah Samba, Ali Badara Kaba, Benoît Sarr, Abou Amani, Bonaventure Some, and Job Andigue [PDF - 0.9 MB] | pages 209-220 |
Advising Growers on Conditions for Sugarcane Burning in Cauca Valley (Colombia) Using Data Obtained from an Automated Weather Network by Enrique Cortes-Betancourt [PDF - 0.9 MB] | pages 221-232 |
Workshop Evaluation and List of Workshop Participants [PDF - 0.1 MB] | pages 235-238 |