Marine Weather Competencies

The WMO Marine Weather Forecaster Competency Framework was approved at the 17th World Meteorological Congress (Resolution 6 (Cg-17)) in 2015. The Framework provides a minimum baseline competence standard to effectively perform the duties of a marine weather forecaster (MWF). It should be noted that the competence framework identifies the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that must be demonstrated. Implicit in the background knowledge and skills for MWF, is the recommendation that they should have successfully completed the Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) or relevant parts thereof. It should, however, be recognized that national personnel qualification requirements for MWF, may be set at a higher level, e.g to also be degree qualified. The Competency Framework was based on the competency model used by the former WMO Technical Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM), and other related frameworks such as “Knowledge and Skill Guidelines for Marine Science and Technology” developed by US Marine Advanced Technology Education

View the WMO Marine Weather Forecaster Competency Framework document and the approved Resolution from Congress here. (Resolution 6  (Cg-17) Competence Requirements for Marine Weather Forecasters)


Implementation of the Competency Framework by NMHS

There are 4 defined stages for NMHS Members to work through in order to implement the WMO Marine Weather Forecaster Competency Framework.  These 4 stages are defined below:
•    Stage 0 - no plans yet to develop a national competency
•    Stage 1 - Have developed a national competency, but no plans to undertake competency assessments
•    Stage 2 - Have a national competency, and have plans to train and assess the competency of forecasting staff
•    Stage 3 – Have completed the competency assessment of forecasting staff against the national competency

About the formulation of the Competency Framework

The development of a Competency Framework is linked to the WMO’s strategic priority for Quality Management in marine meteorological and oceanographic services and associated systems. The Core Competency guidelines are published in WMO No. 1205 Guide to Competency. The WMO Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO) is tasked with consolidating the requirements for marine qualification and competency, enabling implementation by Members.