Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on WIGOS Station Identifier (WSI)

(FAQs on WSI version 1.0)


1. What is WSI?

WSI is replacing the WMO traditional station number. WSI is a critical element for WIGOS metadata that is used to register an observing station or platform in the OSCAR/Surface database. By using WSI, WMO Members can register their stations in OSCAR/Surface. WSI is also used to recognize stations for international data exchange.

2. What is the general structure of WSI? 

WSI is composed of four blocks, as follows: 

Block 1 

Block 2 

Block 3 

Block 4 

WIGOS identifier series (number) 

Issuer of identifier (number) 

Issue number (number) 

Local identifier (characters) 





More detailed guidance is available in the Guide to the WIGOS (WMO-No.1165), Chapters 2 and 10.  

3. What happened to the stations previously registered in WMO-No.9 Vol A? 

All stations registered in WMO-No.9 Volume A prior to July 2016 migrated by the WMO into OSCAR/Surface with their traditional 5-digits WMO station numbers being automatically converted into WSI, as part of local identifier that is part of block 4.

4. Who can register new stations with WSI in OSCAR/Surface? 

National Focal Points (NFPs) on OSCAR/Surface nominated by Members are granted with permission to register a new station with a WSI and update their station metadata on OSCAR/Surface. NFPs on OSCAR/Surface can assign metadata editor to support them.

5. How do I get WSI for my stations?  

For stations that were not affiliated with WMO programmes in the past, WSI can be requested via NFP on OSCAR/Surface. The NFP will assign WSI according to their national schema. The national schema on WSI is developed by each Member for all the stations in the country, the WMO Secretariat may assist if needed. 

6. Where can I find the procedures on how to assign WIGOS Station Identifiers for my stations? 

The Manual on WIGOS (WMO-No. 1160), section 2.4.1 specifies the regulations, further details are available in the Guide to the WIGOS (WMO-No. 1165), chapters 2 and 10. National examples and further information can be found on the WIGOS website,  

7. Can I reuse the WIGOS Identifier for a closed observing facility?  

If the observing facility reopens at the same site, the former WSI can be reused. For different locations, the old WSI cannot be reused. 

8. Can I use symbol or special character in block 4 or local Identifier? 

Symbols and special characters are not allowed in the set of alphanumeric characters to be used for the local Identifier. The local identifier may contain only alphanumeric characters. These are a set of 62 characters including all the uppercase and lowercase letters from a to z and all the digits from 0 to 9.

9. Can I assign two different WSI to the same station? 

An observing facility may have more than one WSI, but not recommended considering its operational implications, for example in relation to international data exchange. If an observing facility registered with more than one WSI in OSCAR Surface, Members must determine which one is the primary WSI.

10. Should I assign WSI by considering the type of the station/platform? 

No, type of station/platform is not a criteria for assignment of WSI. 

11. Can I assign a WSI to more than one station/platform? 

No, a WSI cannot be assigned to more than one station. 


National Schema 

12. Is there a template that can be used to develop National procedure on WSI? 

Currently, there is no template for national procedure on WSI. Members can develop their own procedure considering their national conditions.

13. Can Members assign different WIGOS Identifiers for different types of observing systems/platforms in a same location, e.g., upper air observation, aeronautical meteorology observation, synoptic station? 

It is up to each Member to decide how/which WIGOS Identifiers to assign to their stations. Guidance on this topic is being developed and is expected to be available soon. 

14. Can Members use different number in 3rd block in WIGOS Identifier for each different observation types? 

It is up to each Member to decide how to structure their national WSI, Some Members use different 3rd block for different organizations. According to the Guide to the WIGOS, Members may decide whether the implementation and maintenance of the national schema for allocating WSIs is centrally managed by a single organization or is distributed across various national organizations receiving delegated ranges for assigning WSIs, via the issue number.  

15. Should a new WSI be issued when a fixed observing facility is moved from one location to another one? 

It is up to Members to decide whether they will issue a new WIGOS Identifier if a fixed observing facility is moved. Members must use meteorological judgement on the impacts of the change in deciding whether to retain the WIGOS Identifier or to issue a new one. Guidance on this topic is being developed and is expected to be available soon. 

16. Can Members assign WSI for their stations/platforms without asking the WMO Secretariat or getting permission? 

Yes, Members can assign WSIs for their stations without permission from the WMO Secretariat. Members can assign WSI in accordance with their national schema by following regulatory and guidance material.  


ISO 3166-1 country code 

17. Where can I find my ISO 3166-1 country code? 

It can be seen in ISO website, 

18. Which code can I use in block 2 of WSI to register new stations if my country does not have ISO 3166 -1 code? 

Member State or Territory, for which there is no ISO 3166-1 numeric country code can request to WMO Secretariat, who will allocate an available number between range 10000 - 10999


WIGOS Station Identifier in OSCAR/Surface 

19. When registering a new station in OSCAR/Surface, why can't the block 2 of WSI be changed, stick to ISO country code? 

WSI replaced the traditional (legacy) 5-digit station Identifiers (from Pub 9, Vol A) within OSCAR/Surface since 2016. Block 2 on OSCAR /Surface is filled with the ISO country code by default if the station is not listed in WMO Pub 9, Vol A, meaning that the station is established after 2016.  

20. Can I restore a deleted station, for example if I delete stations by mistake?  

Members can request to WMO Secretariat or relevant program manager if they would like to restore a deleted station.


WIGOS Identifier for stations in Antarctica 

21.  Who can assign WSI for registering stations in Antarctica and which country code should be used as Issuer of Identifier (2nd block in WIGOS IDENTIFIER)? 

In line with the regulations under the Antarctic Treaty System, Members are authorized to issue WIGOS Station Identifiers for the stations they operate in Antarctica. Members should use their country code as Issuer of Identifier (2nd block in WSI).

22. What is the recommended practice to assign WSI for Weather Radar? 

Members are recommended to register/update their radar observation metadata via the WMO Radar Database (WRD) and the metadata will be automatically synced with the OSCAR/Surface.

23. Who can register and assign WSI of Weather Radar Observation in the WMO Weather Radar Database? 

National Focal Points for Weather Radar Metadata is given access to register and assign WSI of Weather Radar Observation in the WMO WRD.