Overview of National WIGOS Implementation

It is obvious that successful and efficient implementation of the WIGOS can be achieved with the activities performed by the Members at national level only. Therefore, National WIGOS Implementation is defined as one of the main priority areas of WIGOS operational plan.

National WIGOS Implementation Plan (N-WIP) should be considered to be an important tool for implementation of the WIGOS at national level by the Members to identify and address the gaps and challenges, to meet the observational data requirements for national and international users, to design a fit for purpose observing networks with the capability of the expansion for future requirements, to operate and maintain the observing networks in sustainable manner, and to support the decision making processes of all application areas with required observational data.

It should be considered that N-WIP should cover all observing networks operated by public or private agencies for weather, climate, water and environmental observations.

One of the key contribution of N-WIP for Members can be considered as promotion of establishment and strengthening of the communications and cooperation between National Meteorological Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and the other public and private agencies, and academia as well. N-WIP can also promote the increased visibility and awareness of the NMHSs among the public and decision makers.