First Meeting of the Expert Team on Weather and Climate Science for Aviation Applications (ET-WCS-1)

First Meeting of the Expert Team on Weather and Climate Science for Aviation Applications


A subsidiary body of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI)

16 to 18 April 2024, Geneva, Switzerland

Jump to: Introduction | Meeting Information | Work Plan and Working Documentation | Final Report


The first meeting of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) Expert Team on Weather and Climate Science for Aviation Applications (ET-WCS-1) will take place as an in-person only meeting at WMO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland from 16 to 18 April 2024.

The objective of the meeting is to discuss and coordinate the activities of ET-WCS during the intersession period plus other issues of relevance. 

Meeting Information

The provisional agenda of the meeting will be available in ET-WCS-1/Doc.1.3 while working arrangements for the meeting are contained in ET-WCS-1/INF. 1.3.

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Work Plan and Working Documentation

Download templates here: Decision document (Doc) | Information document (INF) | PowerPoint presentation (PPT)

Jump to: Day 2 | Day 3

DAY 1: Tuesday 16 April 2024, 0900-1700 CEST (UTC+2)

Agenda Item Doc./INF/Other Title Timing
Participants are kindly requested to register at the WMO Reception Desk between 0815 and 0845 CEST on the opening day of the meeting
1. Opening of the meeting
1.1 -- Opening remarks, objectives of the meeting 0900
1.2 -- Self-introductions 0905

Doc. 1.3

INF. 1.3

Approval of the agenda and meeting arrangements 0920
1.4 Doc. 1.4 Summary of latest update of the ET-WCS Operating Plan 0925
2. Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference and pre-Conference webinar series [linked to ET-WCS OP Expected Output 4]
2.1 INF. 2.1 Annexes A, B, C, D Summary, outcomes and lessons learned from the 2022 and 2023 pre-conference webinar, including status of the summary of the 2023 webinar 0930

Doc. 2.2 Annexes A, B, C

PPT 2.2

Status update on the preparation for an in-person AeroMetSci conference on 21-25 October 2024:
  • Concept Note
  • Announcement and call for abstracts
  • Milestone planner
  • Logistical arrangements at the venue
Morning coffee break 1030
2.2 Doc. 2.2   Annex D Status update on the preparation for an in-person AeroMetSci conference on 21-25 October 2024 (cont’)
  • Drafting the conference programme, including Order of Business.
Lunch break 1200
2.2 -- Status update on the preparation for an in-person AeroMetSci conference on 21-25 October 2024 (cont’) 1315
Afternoon coffee break 1500
2.3 -- Open forum discussion on AeroMetSci conference and identification of ET-WCS follow-up actions and assignments 1530
-- -- Close of Day 1 and look-ahead to Day 2 1700

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DAY 2: Wednesday 17 April 2024, 0900-1700 CEST (UTC+2)

Agenda Item Doc./INF/Other Title Timing
-- -- Recap of Day 1 and plan for Day 2 0900
3. Aviation Research and Development Project (AvRDP) [linked to ET-WCS OP Expected Output 1]
3.1 PPT. 3.1 Main outcomes from the AvRDP2 SSC 2nd meeting (26-28 Sept 2023) 0905

PPT. 3.2

Summary of work progress of AvRDP2 including status of trials/experiments 0925
3.3 PPT. 3.3 Summary of ICAO Hazardous Weather Information Service (HWIS) work progress 0945
3.4 -- Open forum discussion and identification of key points on ET-WCS contribution to AvRDP2 1000
Morning coffee break 1030
4. Contribution to the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) process and the Statement of Guidance on Aeronautical Meteorology (SoG-Aero) [linked to ET-WCS OP Expected Output 2]  
4.1 PPT. 4.1 Update on recent changes by WMO Secretariat to the RRR process and its new working structure 1100


Potential contributions to the Rolling Review Requirements process, in the Aeronautical Meteorology domain 1130
Lunch break 1200
5. Reports and advice to aviation stakeholders on the climatological variation of aeronautical meteorological hazards and extreme weather events as well as their potential impact on aviation [linked to ET-WCS OP Expected Output 3]
5.1 PPT. 5.1 Recap about the 2024 report on findings completed end of March 2024 and issuance of the report 1315
5.2 PPT 5.2 Contribution to the AeroMetSci-2024 conference (linked to Agenda Item 2) 1345
5.3 PPT. 5.3 Next steps and way forward:
  • Brainstorming on the need to update the 2024 report on findings, and way forward (responsibilities, planning)
Afternoon coffee break 1500
5.4 PPT. 5.4 Opportunities for communication on impact of climate change on aviation towards ICAO and other stakeholders 1530
6. Recommendations on meteorological and/or climatological scientific research and development in support of the activities of ICAO and other relevant aviation stakeholders [linked to ET-WCS OP Expected Output 4]  


Future areas of interest and effort:
  • Identification of new or emerging topics such as contrails
  • Brainstorming and discussion on the way forward
-- -- Close of Day 2 and look-ahead to Day 3 1700

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DAY 3: Thursday 18 April 2024, 0900-1600 CEST (UTC+2)

Agenda Item Doc./INF/Other Title Timing
-- -- Recap of Day 2 and plan for Day 3 0900
7. Other Expected Outputs of ET-WCS
7.1  PPT. 7.1
Articles for WMO Services for Aviation Newsletters [linked to ET-WCS OP Expected Output 5] 0905
7.2 PPT. 7.2 Progress reporting by ET-WCS to SC-AVI 0920
8. Major update to ET-WCS Operating Plan (2024-2027) [linked to ET-WCS OP Expected Output 6] and schedule of upcoming ET-WCS conference calls
8.1  Doc. 8.1 Update to ET-WCS Operating Plan (2024-2027) 0930
Morning coffee break 1030

Doc. 8.1

Update to ET-WCS Operating Plan (2024-2027) (cont’) 1100
Lunch break 1200
8.3 Doc. 8.1 ET-WCS Operating Plan (2024-2027) risk management 1315
8.4 PPT. 8.4 Schedule of 2024 ET-WCS conference calls 1400
Afternoon coffee break 1430
9. Summary of actions arising from the meeting, including their respective assignment and deadlines 1500
10. Any other business 1530
11. Closing remarks 1550
-- -- Close of Day 3 1600

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Final Report

The final report of the ET-WCS-1 meeting is available here.

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