Aviation | Resources | Update to WMO-No. 904

Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and Guidance (WMO-No. 904)

A proposed update to the Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and Guidance (WMO-No. 904) has been prepared by the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI).

Corresponding with Recommendation 2 (SC-AVI-2) and draft Recommendation 5.4/2 (SERCOM-2), the proposed major update (new edition) of WMO-No. 904 is available via the following link in the English language only: 

[Note, the update to WMO-No. 904 is shown with tracked-changes.]

In 2023, after approval of the proposed update to WMO-No. 904 by the Executive Council (EC-76, February/March 2023), the Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and Guidance will be published on the WMO e-Library in English, French, Russian and Spanish.

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