The sixteenth session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS-16) (Guangzhou, China, 23-29 November
2016) decided to remove the GRIB edition 1 from the Manual on Codes, Volume I.2 (WMO-No. 306) and
to ensure it remains available as follows (Decision 7 (CBS-16)).
Recognizing that ICAO no longer has requirements to the GRIB edition 1,
Recognizing further that FM 92-XI (GRIB edition 1) may continue to be used for bilateral
exchange between Members for some time,
Decides to remove GRIB edition 1 from the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), Volume I.2;
Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that the specification of FM 92-XI Ext. GRIB (GRIB
edition 1) remains permanently available so that archived data can still be referenced.
The edition below is extracted from the Manual on Codes, Volume I.2, 2015 edition updated in 2016.