WWRP/WGNE Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research (JWGFVR)
JWGFVR aims to advance the development and application of improved diagnostic and verification methods to assess and enable improvement of the quality and value of weather forecasts, including forecasts from numerical weather prediction systems and climate models. The JWGFVR also collaborates on forecast verification with the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).
- The JWGFVR should engage in the plans and implementation of the verification component of the WWRP projects from their outset.
- For verification issues and challenges common to several projects (e.g., addressing observation uncertainty and representativeness in verification practices), the JWGFVR should serve as catalist and take the lead to tackle some of these fundamental verification research questions, while working in concert -and favouring the communication- between the different WWRP projects and WGs involved.
- The JWGFVR will periodically organize workshops and tutorials in the field of forecast verification to facilitate the further development and advancement of the existing diagnostic capacity of weather and climate researchers, further than promoting verification good practices and facilitating the technological transfer from research to operations and services, hence building a professional community in the field.
- The JWGFVR should provide verification expertise on weather and climate products with focus on precipitation, to bring forward collaborative research for integrating climate and weather verification techniques.
- The JWGFVR should provide and develop verification expertise on climate predictions, with focus on verification of longer scale predictions (e.g., decadal).
- The JWGFVR should develop and enhance expertise on the assessment of Earth system modelling (ESM) coupling and physical processes, to enrich process-based and ESM verification efforts, with focus on diagnostics for modelers, and to enhance collaborations with the WCRP.
Working Group Members
- Co-Chair: Barbara CASATI, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Canada
- Co-Chair: Caio COELHO, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE), Brazil
- Eric GILLELAND, National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), United States of America
- James BENNETT, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
- Angie PENDERGRASS, Cornell University, United States of America
- Ramon de ELIA, Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN), Argentina
- Javier GARCIA-SERRANO, University of Barcelona, Spain
- Alfred Lawrence KONDOWE, Tanzanian Meteorological Authority (TMA), Tanzania
- Zied BEN BOUALLEGUE, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), United Kingdom
- Dr Anumeha DUBE, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), India
- Dr Sabrina WAHL, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Germany
- Dr Jochen BROECKER, University of Reading, United Kingdom
- Mr Nicholas LOVEDAY, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
Relevant information
- Call for papers: Special issue in Meteorological Applications on Recent Advancements in Forecast Verification Research (2024)
- 9th International Verification Method Workshop (2025)
- 9th International Verification Method Workshop and Tutorials, May 2024, Abstract Booklet
- MPE-CDT & JWGFVR: Forecast verification summer school, 21-25 June 2021, Online Verification Tutorials
- 8th International Verification Method Workshop (Barbara Casati) Casati et al (2022) BAMS meeting summary, 9-20 November 2020, Online
- Join the Verification Discussion Group
- Forecast Verification FAQ Webpage
- 2nd International Verification Challenge – Seeking the Best New Verification Metrics Making Use of Non-Traditional Observations