Bibliography of Agricultural Meteorological Related Publications from Members (2002-2005)

Bibliography of Agricultural Meteorological Related Publications from Members based on National Progress Reports (2002-2005)


Austria | Azerbaijan | Bangladesh | Bulgaria | Canada | Chile | Colombia | Croatia | Czech Republic | Dominican Rep. | Egypt | France | Gambia | Georgia | Germany | Hungary | Iran | Ireland | Kazakhstan | Malaysia | Nepal | Niger | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Rep. of Moldova | Romania | Russia | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | FYROM | UK | Uzbekistan | Venezuela | Zimbabwe



  1. Alexandrov, V., Eitzinger, J., Cajic, V., Oberforster, M., 2002. Potential impact of climate change on selected agricultural crops in north-eastern Austria. Global Change Biology 8 (4), 372-389.
  2. Alexandrov, V., Eitzinger, J., 2005. The Potential Effect of Climate Change and Elevated Air Carbon Dioxide on Agricultural Crop Production in Central and Southeastern Europe. Journal of Crop Improvement 13(1-2): 291-331.
  3. Eitzinger, J., Kössler, Ch., 2002. Microclimatological characteristics of a miscanthus (Miscanthus cv. Giganteus) stand during stable conditions at night in the nonvegetative winter period. - Theor. Appl. Climatol. 72 (3-4), 245-257.
  4. Eitzinger, J., Štastná, M., Žalud, Z., Dubrovský, M., 2003. A simulation study of the effect of soil water balance and water stress on winter wheat production under different climate change scenarios. Agricultural Water Management, 61, 3, 163-234.
  5. Eitzinger, J., Trnka, M., Hösch, J., Žalud, Z., Dubrovský, M., 2004. Comparison of CERES, WOFOST and SWAP models in simulating soil water content during growing season under different soil conditions. Ecological Modelling 171 (3), 223-246.
  6. Eitzinger, J., Trnka, M., Gruszczynski, G. (2004 ) DESSIS - A simple and cost effective Decision Support System for Irrigation Scheduling and drought management.In: Thysen, I., and Hocevar A., Online Agrometeorological Applications with Decision Support on the Farm Level, (COST Action 718: Meteorological Applications for Agriculture). Dina Research Report. , 109, 89-98; DINA Publication, P.O. Box 50, DK-8830 Tjele, Tjele, DK; ISBN ISBN 87-89818-00-8.
  7. Eitzinger, J., Gruszczynski, G., Schneider, W., Suppan, F., Koukal, T., Trnka, M., 2005. Comparison of different methods for estimation of drought impacts on crop yield on the field scale in Austria. In: European Geosciences Union: EGU General Assembly 2005, 24-29 April 2005, Vienna; Geophysical Research Abstracts, CD-ROM, Vol. 7; ISSN 1029-7006
  8. Formayer, H., Matulla, C., Haas, P., Groll, N., Kromp-Kolb (2004): Einsatzmöglichkeiten verschiedener Downscalingmethoden für Klimaänderungsszenarien in topographisch stark gegliederten Terrain und explizite Anwendung auf Österreich für Niederschlag und Temperatur. Endbericht im Auftrag des bm:bwk. Formayer, H., Harlfinger, O., Mursch-Radlgruber, E., Nefzger, H., Groll, N., Kromp- Kolb, H.. (2004): Objektivierung der geländeklimatischen Bewertung der Weinbaulagen Österreichs in Hinblick auf deren Auswirkung auf die Qualität des Weines am Beispiel der Regionen um Oggau und Retz.. EndberichtBundesministeriums für Land- und Forstwirtschaft,Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft.
  9. Gerersdorfer, T., Eitzinger, J, Schume, H., 2004. Monitoring des Witterungs- und Klimaverlaufs und mikroklimatischer Einflussgrößen in der Umstellung auf den biologischen Landbau (MUBIL). Zwischenbericht im Auftrag des BMLFUW
  10. Lexer M.J., Hönninger K., Scheifinger H., Matulla C., Groll N., Kromp-Kolb H., Schaudauer K., Starlinger F., Englisch M. (2002): The sensitivity of Austrian forests to scenarios of climate change: a large-scale risk assesment based on a modified gap model and forest inventory data.. Forest Ecology and Management, 162, 53-72.
  11. Editoren: Kromp-Kolb, H., Schwarzl, I. (2004): StartClim: Erste Analysen extremer Wetterereignisse und ihrer Auswirkungen in Österreich. Endbericht, Auftraggeber: BMLFUW, BMBWK, BMWA, Österreichische Nationalbank, Österreichische Hagelversicherung, Umweltbundesamt.
  12. Kromp-Kolb, H., Eitzinger, J., Formayer, H., Trnka, M., Laube, W., Gruszczynski, G., 2005 . Bestimmung der Auswirkungen von Trockenperioden im Gürnland mittels Wachstumsmodellen und klimatologische Analyse österreichischer Daten. Endbericht. Im Auftrag d. Bundesministeriums für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Forschungsprojekt Nr. 1282.
  13. Matulla, C., Formayer, H., Haas, P., Kromp-Kolb, H.. (2004): Mögliche Klimatrends in Österreich in der ersten Hälfte des 21. Jahrhunderts. sterreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 56, 1-2, 1-9; 0945-358X.
  14. Mihailovic, D.T., Lalic, B., Arsenic B., Eitzinger, J., Dusanic, N., 2002. Simulation of air temperature inside the canopy by the LAPS surface scheme. Ecological Modelling 147/3, 199-207.
  15. Soja, G., Soja, A., Eitzinger, J., Gruszcynski, G., Trnka, M., Kubu, G., Formayer, H., Schneider, W., Suppan, F., Koukal, T. (2005): Analyse der Auswirkungen der Trockenheit 2003 in der Landwirtschaft Österreichs - Vergleich verschiedener Methoden. Endbericht von StartClim2004.C; in StartClim2004: Analysen von Hitze ubd Trockenheit und deren Auswirkungen in Österreich. Endbericht, Auftraggeber: BMLFUW, BMBWK, BMWA, Österreichische Hagelversicherung, Österreichische Nationalbank, Umweltbundesamt, Verbund AHP.
  16. Trnka, M., Eitzinger, J., Gruszczynski, G., Formayer, H., Dubrovsky, M., 2005. Method for Estimation of the Permanent Grassland Yields During Normal and Dry seasons.In: European Geosciences Union: EGU General Assembly 2005, 24-29 April 2005, Vienna; Geophysical Research Abstracts, CD-ROM, Vol. 7; ISSN 1029-7006
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  1. Mathematical Modelling of productivity of agricultural cultures and energy and mass change in the system of the "soil-plant-climate".
  2. Estimation of change of a climate and its influence and productivity of a winter wheat in territory of the Azerbaijan Republic.
  3. Research modern agroclimatic resources in the south-west slope of the Large Caucasus (within the limits of Azerbaijan).
  4. Influence of of climatic factors on development of agriculture on a southeast slope Large Caucasus (within the limits of Azerbaijan).
  5. Scientific research on wheat under expected climatic condition.
  6. Regional climate change and research the influence on agroclimate stocks and productivity in autumn wheat in Azerbaijan.
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  1. Brammer, H. 1980. Drought Code - A manual on Agricultural Disaster preparedness procedures for use in case of drought. http//
  2. Paul, BK. 1995. Quick Response Report #76, "Farmers' And Public Responses to the 1994-95 Drought In Bangladesh: A Case Study." Kansas State University, Manhattan Kansas.
  3. UNDP/FAO.1988. Land Resource Appraisal of Bangladesh for Agricultural Development, Report-2, Agroecological regions of Bangladesh.
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  1. Alexandrov, V. and J. Eitzinger, The Potential Effect of Climate Change and Elevated Air Carbon Dioxide on Agricultural Crop Production in Central and Southeastern Europe. Journal of Crop Production (2004).Alexandrov, V. and N. Slavov, 2004. Drought Impacts on Crops. In: Knight, C. G., I. Raev and M. Staneva (eds.). 2004.  Drought in Bulgaria: A Contemporary Analog for Climate Change.  Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 157-170. 
  2. Alexandrov, V., Climate variability and change and related drought on Balkan Peninsula. Proceedings of the Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS) Ohrid, Macedonia, (CD version) (2004).
  3. Kazandjiev V, N. Slavov 2005. Investigation on the phenological development of beech trees (Fagus silvatica L.) in Bulgaria.
  4. Kazandjiev V., 2005. Low temperatures and frost during 1995-2005 and their unfavorable impact on agricultural crops development and production, Icing on Structures-open workshop in the frame of COST Action 727, 29.11.2005, Sofia, NIMH, CD-version.
  5. Kazandjiev V., N. Slavov 2005. Air temperature impact on the Phenological development of common locust forest trees Robinia pseudoacacia L.)in Bulgaria, BJMH (in print).
  6. Kazandjiev V., N. Slavov 2005. Climatic Factors variability and their impact on the development of common locust forest trees (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in Bulgaria, 7-th ECAM, Utrecht, Netherland, 12-16 September 2005, CD-version.
  7. Kazandjiev V., L.Kuchera 2004. The  MOCA DB data, The EC AGRO-Meteorological system; The MARS Crop Yeld Forecasting System, Prague 06-09.10.2004, Crop monographies on central European Countries v.4, p.59-76.
  8. Kazandjiev V., N. Slavov 2004. Phytoclimatic Assessment of Air Temperatures Transition across Important Boundary Values, Proceedings of the Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support (BALWOIS) Ohrid, Macedonia, 25-29 May 2004, p.33 and full text of papers in CD-version.
  9. Agrometeorological Aspects of Drought in Bulgaria During Last Decade (1994-2003), Proceedings of the EWRA Symposium on Water Resources Management- Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century,
  10. Izmir, Turkey 2-4 September, 2004, p. 331-342
  11. Marinova T., V. Sharov, N. Slavov, 2002. Investigation  of vegetative Cover еffects on soil temperature regime. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology   and Hydrology, v.13, n. 3-4, p.
  12. Moteva M., N. Slavov, A. Mehandjieva, 2005. Depletion of the available water of rain fed and furrow-irrigated maize in a cinamonic red forest soil, ICID 21 st European Conference 2005. Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice. Germany and Poland. CD-version. Slavov N at all, 2004. Drought in   Bulgaria. A contemporary analog for climate change. ASHGATE. Publishing Limited. 336 p. Slavov N., G. Patamanska, 2005. Estimation of vertical soil water profile using spline interpolation, ICID 21-th European Conference 2005. Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice. Germany and Poland. CD-version. Slavov N., M. Moteva , G. Patamanska, 2004. Matehematical modeling on maize crop water regime. The 4-th international   workshop research n irrigation and drainage, Skopie Macedonia, p. 107-112. Slavov N., M. Moteva, 2004.  Relatin between the reference evapotranspiration and the measured evaporation from open water surface in Bulgaria. "BALVOIS 2004". Ohrid  Macedonia CD v. Slavov N., P. Ristevski , T. Marinova, 2002. Study of Long- term variability of Air temperature   in Republic of Macedonia. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, v.13,n 1-2, p. 40-52. Slavov N., P. Ristevski , T. Marinova, 2002. Study of Long- term variability of Air temperature   in Republic of Macedonia. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, v.13,n 1-2, p. 40-52. Slavov N., T. Marinova, P. Ristevski, 2004. Long-term variability of precipitation in Republic Macedonia. BALVOIS 2004. Ohrid  Macedonia CD v. Slavov N., V. Kazandjiev, 2004. Phеnological development investigation of common locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) trees in Bulgaria , J. of Silva Balcanica, v. 5, p. 61-70. Slavov N., V. Kazandjiev. 2003. Phytoclimatic assessment of aqir temperatures transitin across important boundary values, "European agro-phenlogy meeting", 4-5 Decembre JRS Meeting ISPRA Italy CD v.
  13. Вандова, М. Агроклиматична оценка на естествените условия ва овлажнение в Пазарджишка област.- Екология и индустрия,т.6,№2,2004, 194-196 с. Вандова, М. Агроклиматична оценка на естествените условия ва овлажнение в Пазарджишка област.-Международна научна конференция БАЛКАНИРЕКО04, с., 9-11 юни 2004 г. Вандова, М. Метод за дългосрочно прогнозиране настъпването на фенофазите при смокинята.- Екология и индустрия, т. 7, № 2,2005, 206-207 с. Вандова, М. Оценка на агроклиматичните ресурси.- Методически подход за определяне на необлагодетелстваните райони и районите с екологични ограничения, С., 2004 Вандова, М.Регресионни модели за дългосрочно прогнозиране развитието на смокинята.- Екология и индустрия, т.6, №2, 2004,197-198 с. Гюрова, М.,  М. Вандова. Агроклиматично райониране на соята в България.- Екология и индустрия, т. 7, № 2, 2005, 207-209 с. Гюрова, М., М. Вандова. Агроклиматични условия в България за отглеждане на соята като втора култура.-Екология и индустрия, т.6,01, 94-96 С. Гюрова, М., М. Вандова. Агроклиматични условия в България за отглеждане на соята като втора култура.-Международна научна конференция БАЛКАНИРЕКО04, с., 9-11 юни 2004 г. Гюрова, М., М. Вандова. Агроклиматични условия за отглеждане на соята в България.- Земеделие плюс, кн.,4,2004, 8-10 с. Гюрова, М., М. Вандова. Влияние на агрометеорологичните условия върху развитието на соята.- Земеделие плюс, кн.5,2004, 6-8 с. Гюрова, М., М. Вандова. Влияние на агрометеорологичните условия върху величината на добива от соята.- Земеделие плюс, кн.8,2004, 7-9 с. Гюрова, М., М. Вандова. Възможности за по-дългосрочно прогнозиране развитието на соята.- Земеделие плюс, кн.9,2004, Гюрова, М., М. Вандова.Условия на овлажнение за отглеждане на соята като следжътвена култура.- Земеделие плюс, 2005, кн.8, 13-14 с. Гюрова,М., М. Вандова. Температурни условия за отглеждане на соята като следжътвена култура.- Земеделие плюс, 2005, кн. 5, 14-15 с. Казанджиев В., Б. Пеев 2005. Предпоставки за бедствията от стихийни метеорологични процеси и явления, Сб. Доклади на Научно-приложна конференция по управление в извънредни ситуации и защита на населението, , БАН 10.11.2005. (под печат)
  14. Казанджиев В., В. Георгиева 2005. Екстремните метеорологични условия и производството на есенни зърнени култури в България, Сб. Доклади на Научно-приложна конференция по управление в извънредни ситуации и защита на населението, София, БАН 10.11.2005. (под печат) Казанджиев В., В. Георгиева 2005. Калибриране на модела WOFOST за прогнозиране на добивите от соя (Glycine hispida (Moench) Maxim) за условията на Северна България, Сб. Научни доклади на научна конференция по случай 80 години Институт за соята и фуражните култури 8-9 септември 2005, Павликени, 244-253.
  15. Славов Н., В. Георгиева, 2004. Връзка между влагозапасите в различните почвени слоеве при основните почвени типове в България. СП. Селскoстoпанска техника, т. XLI, n. 4, стр. 43-48.
  16. Славов Н., В. Георгиева, 2005. Вoдните ресурси на почвата и климатичните промени в Северна България през миналото столетие, Сп. Екология и индустрия, т. 7, кн. 2, с. 167-170.
  17. Славов Н., В. Георгиева, 2005. Многогодишни колебания на водните ресурси  на почвата и климатичните промени в Южна България, Сб. Селекция и агротехника на полските култури., стр. 363-368. Славов Н., В. Георгиева, М. Мотева, 2005. Промяната на климата през последното столетие и негативните изменения на природните ресурси, Сб. Управление, използване  и опазване на почвените ресурси, стр. 533-538.
  18. Славов Н., В. Казанджиев 2005. Изследване на влиянието на температурата на въздуха върху фенологичното развитие на бялата акация (Robinia preudoacacia L.) в България, Сборник доклади от конференция-семинар Балканска икономическа реконструкция и екология-БАЛКАНИРЕКО05, Екология и индустрия том 7/2 2005, стр. 285-289.
  19. Славов Н., Г. Георгиев, В. Георгиева, 2005. Многогодишни колебания на водните ресурси на почвата и климатичните промени на Северозападна България, Сб. Селекция и технологични аспекти при производството и преработката на соя, с. 236-243. Славов Н., Г. Георгиев, М. Мотева, 2005. Изследване характеристиките на засушаването през последното столетие в Северозападна България. Сб. Селекция и технологични аспекти при производството и преработката на соя, с. 227-235. Славов Н., М. Мотева, 2005. Върху някои характеристики на засушаването в България, Сб. Се Селекция и агротехника на полските култури., стр. 369-373. Славов Н., М. Мотева, В. Георгиева, 2004. Промените на климата и засушаването в България през последното столетие. Сп. Водно дело, кн.1-2, стр. 33-37. Славов Н., М. Мотева, В. Георгиева, 2005. Върху усвояемостта на валежите при формиране на водните запаси на почвата, Сб. Биоразнообразие. Екосистеми. Глобални промени, стр. 417-424.
  20. Славов Н., М. Мотева, В. Георгиева, 2005. Изменението на климата през последното столетие в Североизточна България и влиянието му върху земеделието, Изв. на съюза на учените-Русе, сер. Аграрни и ветеринарно-медицински науки, 5, 160-165.
  21. Славов Н., М. Мотева,. 2005. Изследване на засушаванията в Северна България през миналото столетие, Сп. Екология и индустрия, т.7, с.68-70.
  22. Славов Н.,М. Мотева, 2003. Оценка на ресурсите слънчева радиация за пресмятане на еваптранспирацията по ФАО Penman-Monteith в България. Сп. Селскостопанска техника, т. XL, n. 5-6, стр. 149-152.
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  1. Batten, S.D. and W.R. Crawford. 2005. The influence of coastal origin eddies on oceanic plankton distributions in the eastern Gulf of Alaska. Topical Studies in Oceanography: Haida Eddies: mesoscale transport in the Northeast Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II. 52(7-8). doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2005.02.001. 991-1010. 
  2. Betts, A.K., R.L. Desjardins, and D. Worth. 2006.  Impact of agriculture, forest and cloud feedback on the surface energy balance in BOREAS.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. In Press.
  3. Boyd, P.W., C. Law, Y. Nojiri, C.S. Wong, A. Tsuda, M. Levasseur, S. Takeda, G. Jackson, J. Needoba, R. Strzepek, J. Gower, R.M. McKay, M.D. Arychuk, J. Barwell-Clarke, W.R. Crawford, D.W. Crawford, M. Hale, P.J. Harrison, K. Johnson, H. Kiyosawa, I. Kudo, A. Marchetti, W. Miller, J. Nishioka, T. Pedersen, R. Rivkin, M. Robert, H. Saito, N. Sherry, T. Soutar, N.E. Sutherland, C. Trick, F.A. Whitney and J.-E. Tremblay. 2004. Evolution, decline and fate of an iron-induced subarctic. Nature. 2437:1-4.
  4. Brasseur, G. and K.L. Denman. 2005. Couplings between changes in the climate system and biogeochemistry. In IPCC WG1 Fourth Assessment Report, edited by K.  Boonpragob, M. Heimann, and M. Molina. Bryant, Christopher R., Barry Smit, Michael Brklacich, Thomas R. Johnston, John Smithers, Quentin Chjotti and Bhawan Singh. 2000. Adaptation in Canadian Agriculture to Climatic Variability and Change. Climatic Change. 45(1):181-201.
  5. Cohen, Stewart J. 2005. A Participatory Approach for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Case Study on Okanagan Water Resources. Adapting to Climate Change in Canada 2005: Understanding risks and Building Capacity, Montral, Qubec, Canada. Retrieved July 21, 2006  (
  6. Denman, K.L. and A.E. Gargett. 1995. Biological/physical interactions in the upper ocean: the role of vertical and small scale transport processes. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 27:225-255.
  7. Denman, Kenneth and Hidekatsu Yamazaki. 1995. Upper ocean processes and the global carbon cycle. J. Oceanogr. 4:1-8. (in Japanese).
  8. Freeland, H.J. and P.F. Cummins. 2005. Argo: A new tool for environmental monitoring and assessment of the world's oceans, an example from the NE Pacific. Progress in Oceanography. 64:31-44. 
  9. Foreman, M.G.G., W.R. Crawford and R.F. Marsden. 1995. De-Tiding: Theory and Practice. Pp. 203-239, In Quantitative Skill Assessment for Coastal Ocean Models, Coastal and Estuarine Studies. Edited by D.R. Lynch and A.M. Davies.
  10. Gameda, S., B. Qian, C.A. Campbell, and R.L. Desjardins.  2006. Trends in summer fallow and climate variables in the Canadian Prairies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.  Accepted for publication.
  11. Gower, J.F.R. 1995. Detection and mapping of bright plankton blooms and river plumes using AVHRR imagery. In Proceedings of Third Thematic Conference, Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Seattle, Wash., 18-20 Sept.  1:151-162.  
  12. Harrison, P., D. Mackas, B. Frost, R. Macdonald and E. Crecelius. 1994. An assessment of nutrients, plankton, and some pollutants in the water column of Juan de Fuca Strait, Strait of Georgia and Puget Sound and their transboundary transport. Pp. 138-172. In: Proc. BC/Washington Symposium on the Marine Environment. Can. Tech. Rep. Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. edited by R. Wilson, R. Beamish, F. Aitkens and J. Bell.
  13. Harrison, P.J., F.A. Whitney, D.L. Mackas, R.J. Beamish, M. Trudel and I.R. Perry. 2005. Changes in coastal ecosystems in the NE Pacific Ocean. Pp. 17-35. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Long-Term Variations in the Coastal Environments and Ecosystems, 27-28 September, 2005. Matsuyama, Japan
  14. Holloway, G. 1994. pp. 43-46. In Applications of Statistics to Modeling the Earth's Climate System,  NCAR Tech. Report/TN-409. edited by : R.A. Madden and R.W. Katz.
  15. Grant, B., W. Smith, R.L. Desjardins, R. Lemke and C. Li. 2004. Estimated N2O and CO2 emissions as influenced by agricultural practices in Canada. Climatic Change.  65: 315-332.
  16. Koshida, G., B. Mills and M. Sanderson 1999. Adaptation lessons learned (and forgotten) from the 1988 and 1998 southern Ontario droughts. Pp. pp. 23-35 in Report from the Adaptation Learning Experiment, edited by I. Burton, M. Kerry, S. Kalhok and M. Vandierendonck. Environment Canada, Environmental Adaptation Research Group, Downsview, Ontario.
  17. Koshida, G., M. Alden, S. Cohen, R. Halliday, L. Mortsch,V. Wittrock and A. Maarouf. 2005: Drought Risk Management in Canada-U.S. Transboundary Watersheds: Now and in the Future. Pp. 287-317 In Drought and Water Crises: Science, Technology and Management Issues, edited by D. Wilhite CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  18. Mackas, D.L. 1995. Interannual variability of the zooplankton community off southern Vancouver Island. Pp. 77-89. In Climate change and northern fish populations. Can. Spec. Pub. Fisheries and Aquatic Sci. edited by R. Beamish.Masson, D. and P.F. Cummins. 2004. Observations and modelling of seasonal variability in the Straits of Georgia and Juan de Fuca. Journal of Marine Research. 62:491-516.
  19. Mark R.S. Johannes, Kim D. Hyatt and Josie K. Cleland Canadian Climate Impact and Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN) Fisheries Sector, ANNUAL REPORT 2004-05 C-CIARN Fisheries Annual Report No. 3
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  1. Influencia de las precipitaciones en la actividad agragrcola de la zona Centro Norte de Chile, durante El Nio 1997, Jos Curihuinca, 2004.
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  1. Study on frost in Colombia
  2. Study on drought
  3. Climatic Impact of El Nio/La Nia Phenomena in Colombia
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  1. Pavičić, N., Krpina, I., Jemrić, T., Kaučić, D., Blaković, D., Skendrović, M., 2004:The effect of cultivar and bearing tree on bud differentiation, frost damage and fruit set in apple, Poljoprivreda. Vol. 10, No. 1, 4954.
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Czech Republic

  1. Květoň, V., Valter, J: Index of meteorologically possible drought a newly developed method of drought evaluation. Journal of Structural Geology, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 2006c (under preparation).
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  5. Pavlk J., Němec L., Tolasz R., Valter J.: Extraordinary summer 2003 in the Czech Republic. Meteorologick Zprvy, 56, 6, CHMI Prague 2003 (Czech)
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Dominician Republic

  1. Boletin Agroclima Mensual dirigido a todo el Sector Agropecuario.
  2. Boletin Incidencia Climatica en la Agricultura mensualmente.
  3. Indice de humedad edafica (decadal).
  4. Estudio de la Climatologia de la Sequia Agricola en la Republica Dominicana.
  5. Incidencia del Fenomeno El Nio en los aos 82, 83, y 97.
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  1. Modelling nocturnal heat dynamics and frost mitigation in Andean raided field systems
  2. A simple model for minimum crop temperature forescasting during nocturnal cooling
  3. Agroclimatic Study of the Caete River Basin
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  10. Phenologic Observations Manual
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  12. Anise cultivation in the Curuhuasi Valley
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  14. Drought Study in Puno
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  1. Farat, R.: Deficits and surpluses of atmospheric precipitation and plant water requirements
  2. Hapke T. & Skoracka, K.: Application of GIS in agrometeorology
  3. Kepinska-Kasprzak, M: Problems of irrigation in Poland
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  13. Struzik, P.: Satellite remote sensing as a source of agrometeorological information
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  16. Tomaszewska, T., Lorenz, H.: Agrometeorological service in IMGW
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Republic of Moldova

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Russian Federation

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  1. BERGANT K., KAJFE-BOGATAJ L., SUNIK A., CEGNAR T., ČREPINEK Z., KURNIK B.,, DOLINAR M., GREGORIČ G., ROGELJ D., UST A., MATAJC I., ZUPANČIČ B., PEČENKO A. 2004. Spremembe podnebja in kmetijstvo v Sloveniji. Ljubljana, Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje. 40 str., ilustr. ISBN 961-6024-15-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 213417472]
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  7. Orlandini S., Dalla Marta A., Friesland H., Sunik A. 2005. Description and testing of the PLASMO model for the simulation of grapevine downy mildew. Irrigation and pest and disease models. Evaluation in different environments and web-based applications. Maracchi G., Kajfe-Bogataj L. (ur.). COST Action 718- Meteorological Applications for agriculture. str. 140-159.
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The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

  1. Dimitrovska, B. Probabilities for Determined Precipitation Amounts Appearance and Temperature Sums >10o C During a Vegetative Period of the Year.
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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  1. Atkinson, M. D., Kettlewell, P. S., Hollins, P. D., Stephenson, D. B. and Hardwick, N. V. (2005) Summer climate mediates UK wheat quality response to winter North Atlantic Oscillation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 130: 27-37.
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  3. Gladders, P., S. Langton, I. A. Barrie, N. V. Hardwick, M. C. Taylor & N. D. Paveley. The importance of weather and agronomic factors for the over-winter survival of yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis) and subsequent disease risk in England and Wales. (Ann App Biology, submitted)
  4. Hossell, JE. (in press) Adapting UK Agriculture to climate change, Special Example 5 in Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate. CRC series on Advances in Agroecosystems. p335-40
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  1. Abdullaev A., Kholbaev G. On agriculture and higher education in Japan // Geographic Society of Uzbekistan . - 2003. V.23. - p. 158 - 161.
  2. Abdullaev A. On the ancient history of research studies from the point of view of agrometeorology агрометеорологии // Geographic Society of Uzbekistan - 2003. V.23. - p. 196 - 197.
  3. Abdullaev A., Kholbaev G., Faizieva Sh., Asadullaev A. Agroclimatic estimation of the rates of development and productivity of the new rice varieties. // Proc. of SANIGMI. 2003. -V.164(245). - p. 79 - 95.
  4. Abdullaev A., Kholbaev G., Kutlimuratov Kh.. Forecast of the yield-trend of the cotton, maize and rice crops in Uzbekistan // Proceed of SANIGMI 2003. - V.164(245). - p. 96 - 107.
  5. Abdullaev A., Khikmatov F., Kholbaev G., Muratov D. Relationship between the productivity and crop capacity of the surface flow of the rivers // Proceed of SANIGMI . -2003 - Vol.164(245). - p. 119 - 123.
  6. Abdullaev A., Nazarov R., Kholbaev G., Gafurov E. On peculiar features of the food problem in different countries of the world //
  7. Бозор иқтисодиёти шароитида қишлоқ хўжалигини барқарор ривожлантириш муаммолари халқаро илмий-амалий конференция, Тошкент, 20-21 октябрь, 2003. -Тошкент, 2003. - Б. 120 - 122.
  8. Abdullaev A., Turapov I., Kholbaev G., Kutlimuratov Kh., Pulatov U. On the radiation and heat regimes of the ordinary and under-film cotton sowing // International Symposium of CIS states on Atmospheric Radiation ????-04. St.-Pet., 2004. -p. 52 - 52.
  9. Abdullaev A., Usarov R. Қоркўчкиси // Muhofaza+, 2004. N 3-4(17-19). p. 14 - 15.
  10. Abdullaev A., Akramova N., Sultonova S. Қадимий тарих зарварақаларида агрометеорология фанининг уфқлари / География тарихи: хотира ва қадриятлар мавзусида республика илмий амалий анжумани, 2005 йил 5-6 May, Nam St.Un. - Namangan: У, 2005.p.30-31.
  11. Rice, wheat and cotton fiber over the world. -Tashkent: Uzhydromet, 2005. - 239 p.
  12. Abdullaev A., Pulatov U., Kutlimuratov Kh., Kholboev G. Ўзбекистон шароитида вегетация давр давомийлигини ва иссиқлик таъминотини башоратлаш услуби / Ўзбекистон география жамияти журнали. 2005 й. 25-жилд.
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  14. Abdullaev A., Grom L. Agrometeorological servicing of agriculture and prospects of studies in the field of agricultural meteorology // Proceed. of SANIGMI -2003. V. 164(245). - p. 9 - 16.
  15. Abdullaev A., Kholbaev G. On geographical placement of sown areas, dates of sowing and picking of the cotton, wheat and rice crops in the world. // Proceed. of SANIGMI 2003. -V.164(245). - p. 41 - 54.
  16. Abdullaev A., Kholbaev G., Kutlimuratov Kh.. Forecast of the yield-trend of the cotton, maize and rice crops in Uzbekistan // Proceed of SANIGMI 2003. - V.164 (245). - p. 96 - 107.
  17. Abdullaev A., Khikmatov F., Kholbaev G., Muratov D. Relationship between the productivity and crop capacity of the surface flow of the rivers // Proceed of SANIGMI . -2003 - Vol.164(245). - p. 119 - 123.
  18. Kholbaev G. Assessment of the emptiness of the rice-seeds by the temperature conditions using the experiment data // Proceed. of SANIGMI . - 2003. -V.164(245). - p. 55 - 59.
  19. Kholbaev G., Pulatov U., Abdullaev A. On dynamics of the production of rice, wheat and cotton fiber in the world and in Uzbekistan // Geographic Society of Uzbekistan - 2003. - V.23. - p. 187 - 189.
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  1. Arias, I. y J. Riero "Diagnostico regional - Caracterizatin agro agroclimatic de le regin oriental de Guarico." 68 pginas.
  2. Brito, P. y Brito, J. "Caracterizatin agroclimatic de los llanos occidentales y sus relaciones con el ciclo del cultivo del maz." 125 pginas.
  3. Burgos, J. Aptitud agroclimatic y planificacin de siembra da papa en la regin Andina Venezolana." 19 pginas.
  4. Burgos, J. "Estimatin del rgimen trmico de Venezuela pr el mtodo de los gradientes medianos de De Fina y Sabella."
  5. Burgos, J. "Elementos del balance hidrolgico y los tipos de clima de Venezuela estimados por el mtodo de Thornthwaite (1948-55)."
  6. Burgos, J., E. Gonzlez, J. Snchez Carrillo. "Estimatin de la radiacin global en Venezuela."
  7. Burgos, J., A. Gamez, C.E. Len, H. Wiedenhofer. "Regiones bioclimaticas para la ganadera en Venezuela."
  8. Cortez, A., O. Francisco, M. Rodrguez, C. J. Rey, M.C. Nunez. 2005. Variabilidad temporal a nivel anual y mensual en parmetros climticos en un campo experimental. Agronoma Tropical. Volumen 55, No. 3.
  9. Cortez, A., L. Aceves, R. Arteaga, M. Vzquez. 2005. Zonificacin Agroecolgica del cultivo del aguacate en la zona central de Venezuela. Terra Lationamericana Volumen 23, No. 2, 159-166.
  10. Fonaiap. "Diagnostico agro ecolgico preliminar de las reas del pas al notre del ri Orinoco". 137 pginas.
  11. Grasi, C. "Estimacin de los ojos consuntivos de agua y requerimientos de riego etc." 130 pginas.
  12. MARN. 2005. Primera cominicacin Nacional en Cambio Climtico de Venezuela. Proyecto MARN-PNUD-GEF-VEN00G31. Subcontracto No. SC-04135/12. Caracas, Venezuela. 135 pginas.
  13. Martelo, M.T. 2003. "Metodologa para la seleccin de Modelos de Circulacin General de la Atmsfera y Escenarios Climticos a incluir en la Primera Comumicacin Nacional en Cambio Climtico de Venezuela." Proyecto MARN-PNUD VEN/00/G31, Direccin de Hidrologia y Meteorologa, MARN, Caracas, Venezuela. 51 p.
  14. Prez, L. O., "Estudio agro climtico del estado Anzotegui." 26 pginas.
  15. Plasentis, I. "Balance de agua y sales bajo las condiciones de clima, suelos y aguas predominates. En las zonas de Venezuela." 38 pginas.
  16. Puche, M., O. Silva, y R. Warcnok. 2004. Evaluacin del efecto del cambio climtico sobre cultivos anuales en Venezuela. UCV-Fac. de Agronoma.
  17. Ramrez, L. "Desarrollo de un procedimiento para determinar variaciones espaciales y en tiempo de la precipitacn en Venezuela." 113 pginas.
  18. Snchez Carillo, J. "El Viento." 40 pginas.
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  20. Snchez Carrillo, J., A. Monteagudo, C. Sierio. "Distributin de la presin atmosfrica en el superficie y en la altura sobre Venezuela."
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  1. Spatial characterization of Zimbabwe summer rainfall during the period 1920 1996
  2. Use of the soil-water balance method to determine the effective cereal production under rain-fed conditions in Zimbabwe
  3. Expected Dates of Planting Rains in Northern Rhodesia and Northern Mashonaland. Rhodesia and Nyasaland Meteorological Services. Notes on Agricultural Meteorology. Paper N 3, Zimbabwe Department of Meteorology, Harare, Zimbabwe.
  4. Optimal planting dates for rainfed maize (Zea mays L) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) in agro-ecological zones of Zimbabwe.
  5. Droughts in Zimbabwe
  6. Use of the DEPTH Model in determining the Onset, Cessation and Duration of Effective Summer Rains in Zimbabwe
  7. Crop Yield Forecast Using AgroMet Shell
  8. Agro-climatic Atlas of Zimbabwe