About the ETR Programme
About the ETR Programme
Goals and objectives
One of the primary aims of WMO, as laid down in its Convention, is to encourage training in meteorology and operational hydrology, and to assist in coordinating the international aspects of such training. In this connection, the Education and Training Programme (ETRP) is a WMO Major Programme, the purpose of which is to assist Members' in particular developing countries and countries with economies in transition, in obtaining personnel specially educated and trained to internationally agreed standards in order to carry out the activities and operations of NMHSs required at the global, regional and national levels for the effective provision of meteorological and hydrological services in support of sustainable development of Member countries. (Cg-17, Resolution 51)
Overall objectives:
- To ensure the availability of adequately trained staff to meet Members' responsibilities for providing meteorological, hydrological and related information and services;
- To promote capacity building by assisting NMHSs in the attainment of an appropriate level of self-sufficiency in meeting their training needs and in developing their human resources;
- To promote and strengthen the exchange of training knowledge, resources and expertise between Members and WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs) making particular use of relevant new and emerging technologies and techniques;
- To promote high-quality continuing education in meteorology, climatology, hydrology and related disciplines so as to keep Members' relevant staff up-to-date with the latest scientific advances and technological innovations, and to provide the competence and skills needed in additional fields, such as communication with users; and
- To assist in the education of the public, government and other interested parties about the socio-economic benefits of meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic and related services.
- ETRP is implemented under the coordination and guidance of the Executive Council Panel of Experts on Education and Training (EC Panel) which serves as an advisory body on all aspects of technical and scientific education and training in meteorology and operational hydrology.
- Collaboration and cooperation are being promoted with education-related programmes of other organization. A Special Partnership is maintained with the Standing Conference of the Heads of Training Institutions of National Meteorological Services (SCHOTI).
Main activities
- Regular worldwide surveys of Members' training needs, requirements and opportunities;
- Monitoring and support to the functioning of a network of 26 designated WMO RTCs which play a key role in education and training for Members,
- Organizing/co-sponsorship of training courses, workshops and seminars;
- Provision of long-term and short-term fellowships financed from the WMO Voluntary Cooperation Programme (VCP), the WMO Regular Budget, Trust Funds and UNDP Projects;
- Support to School and Popular Meteorological, Hydrological and Oceanographic Education;
- Collaboration and cooperation with partners including other interested International Organizations, Institutions and Non-governmental organizations.