Advisory Group on the Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service Sub Committee (AG-WWMIWS-SubC)

A subsidiary body of the

Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO)

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Updated on 2 July 2024

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Terms of Reference

The Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) Sub-Committee is an Advisory Group within the Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO). As stated in IMO resolution A.1051(27)/MSC.470(101) “The IMO-WMO Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) is the internationally coordinated service for the promulgation of meteorological warnings and forecasts to vessels undertaking international or national voyages”. The AG-WWMIWS-SubC is the responsible body, under the SC-MMO, for monitoring and coordinating the provision of meteorological maritime safety information (MSI) within the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), including other vessels not covered by the IMO Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention.

ToRs are available here.

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Name Role Member
Nick Ashton METAREA I UK
Florence Besson METAREA II France
Dionysia Kotta METAREA III Greece
Wayne Presnell METAREA IV & XII USA
Marcus Vinicius Mendes METAREA V Brazil
Matias Nahuel de Oto Proschle METAREA VI Argentina
Ezekiel Sebego METAREA VII South Africa
Neetha K. Gopal METAREA VIII (N) India
Renganaden Virasami METAREA VIII (S) Mauritius
Alain Poujol METAREA VIII (S) La Réunion
Sarfaraz Khan METAREA IX Pakistan
Yuelong Miao METAREA X Australia
Masaya Konishi METAREA XI (N) Japan
Wei Zhao METAREA XI (S) China
Vasily Smolyanitsky METAREA XIII, XX & XXI Russian Federation
Ramon Oosterkamp METAREA XIV New Zealand
Pedro Roca Misle METAREA XV Chile
Giacomo Morote Somontes METAREA XVI Peru
Erik De Groot Vice Chair/METAREA XVII & XVIII Canada
Justyna Wodziczko Chair/METAREA XIX Norway

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METAREA Coordinator alternates

Name METAREA Member
Melinda Bailey METAREA IV & XII USA
Diego Pedroso METAREA V Brazil
/ METAREA VI Argentina
Lebogang Makgati METAREA VII South Africa
Krisna BUCHA METAREA VIII (S) Mauritius
/ METAREA VIII (S) La Réunion
Sabir Ali METAREA IX Pakistan
Chantal Donnelly METAREA X Australia
/ METAREA XI (N) Japan
/ METAREA XI (S) China

/ (XIII)

Julia Sokolova (XX & XXI)

METAREA XIII, XX & XXI Russian Federation
Raveen Das METAREA XIV New Zealand
Alejandro De la Maza Dorion METAREA XV Chile
Myrian Tamayo Infantes METAREA XVI Peru
Geoffrey Dunsworth  METAREA XVII & XVIII Canada
Gjermund Mamen Haugen METAREA XIX Norway

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The AG-WWMIWS-SubC FileCloud collaboration platform (member access only) is accessible here.

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