WIGOS Station Identifiers
WIGOS Station Identifier (WSI) is used to register an observing station or platform in the OSCAR/Surface database. In this way WMO Members can record WIGOS metadata from all observing stations/platforms in OSCAR/Surface.
Previously, observing stations were registered using WMO Identifiers, which had the form of 5-digit numbers for synoptic and climate stations. Many countries ran out of numbers within their allowable ranges and were unable to register additional stations. The new WIGOS Station Identifiers were created with a structure of 4 blocks, using digits and alphanumeric characters that allow essentially an unlimited number of stations to be registered.

The implementation of WSIs is mandatory for WMO Members and it is a critical step towards becoming WIGOS operational.
Related links
Regulatory and Guidance material:
- Chapter 2.4.1 - General requirements and Attachment 2.1 of the Manual on WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1160).
- Chapter 2.1 - WIGOS Station Identifiers of the Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WMO-No. 1165).
- Circular letter (30 October 2017) on Reporting of WIGOS Station identifier in BUFR/CREX messages
Relevant presentations:
- Luis Nunes et al., WIGOS Station Identifiers (WSI): critical components of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System, 7 June 2019. Meteorological Technology World Expo Conference 2019, 5-7 June, Geneva, Switzerland.
- WIGOS Learning Portal - various presentations and webinars
Preparatory documents:
- Draft plan for an experiment with ECMWF on exchanging reports with WSI Draft v2, 17 October 2018.
- WIGOS Station Identifiers (WSI) draft transition plan Updated version 0.3, 20 September 2018.