Aviation | Capacity Development | Personnel Competency and Qualification
Personnel Competency and Qualification
WMO has the responsibility to establish requirements concerning qualifications and training of aeronautical meteorological personnel (AMP), which comprises aeronautical meteorological forecasters (AMF) and aeronautical meteorological observers (AMO). In addition, WMO is developing competency standards for the core job-tasks in meteorology. The competency standards for AMP were the first to be adopted standards by WMO.
The competency and qualification standards and recommended practices of WMO are published in Technical Regulations (WMO-No.49), Volume I - General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices, Part V.
According to these technical regulations, since 1 December 2013, aeronautical meteorological services must ensure that their aeronautical meteorological personnel (AMP), both forecasters and observers, meet the WMO competency requirements. To meet these requirements, Members are expected to provide evidence of their AMP competence as part of their quality management system. Members also need to show that their AMP are continuing their professional development. To assist Members, a WMO task team created a Competency Assessment Toolkit, which can be used as the basis for the development of national competency assessment.
The WMO qualification requirements for aeronautical meteorological forecasters (AMF) were elevated in the WMO technical regulations from a recommended practice to a standard on 1 December 2016.
A WMO Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency (ET-ETC) has worked in close coordination with an Executive Council Panel on Education and Training in the development of guidance to assist Members in implementing the competency and qualification requirements. In addition, WMO has organized competency assessment training in all WMO Regions.

In 2018, WMO published a WMO-No. 1205, Guide to Competency. The purpose of this Guide is to provide guidance to Members’ organizations that are developing, implementing and/or maintaining competency-based training and assessment programmes based upon the WMO competency frameworks established in the Technical Regulations, Volume I (WMO-No.49). Examples of selected Members’ best practices are included in this guidance material to facilitate transfer of knowledge and experience, and thus enable organizations to achieve compliance with the WMO requirements in the most efficient way.

To complement the Guide to Competency, in 2019 WMO published WMO-No. 1209, Compendium of WMO Competency Frameworks. The purpose of this Compendium is to provide Members with easy access to all the WMO competency frameworks that have been implemented since the first frameworks for AMP were put in place in 2013.
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