Aviation | Governance | ET-WCS


Expert Team on Weather and Climate Science for Aviation Applications

A subsidiary body of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI)

Jump to: Purpose | Composition | Operating Plan | Reports | FileCloud Collaboration Platform



To gather information and provide expert advice in the fields of weather and climate impacts science to support the current and future needs of users within the context of the provision of aeronautical meteorological services in support of implementation of the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan.



First name LAST NAMERoleNominated byAffiliation
Piers BUCHANANCo-ChairUnited KingdomMet Office
Ping CHEUNGCo-ChairHong Kong, ChinaHong Kong Observatory
Björn-Rüdiger BECKMANNCore ExpertGermanyDeutscher Wetterdienst
Debra BLONDINCore ExpertUnited States of AmericaNational Weather Service/National Centre for Environmental Prediction
Morné GIJBENCore ExpertSouth AfricaSouth African Weather Service
Michiko IKEDACore ExpertJapanJapan Meteorological Agency
Anna IVANOVACore ExpertRussian FederationRoshydromet
Anil PADHRACore ExpertUnited KingdomBritish Airways/University of Cambridge (Met Office)
Sokhna Yaya WANECore ExpertSenegalAgence Nationale de l'Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie
Cheng Xun YEOCore ExpertSingaporeMeteorological Service Singapore


Claire BARTHOLOMEWAssociate ExpertUnited KingdomMet Office
Yin-Lam (Danice) NGAssociate ExpertHong Kong, ChinaHong Kong Observatory

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Operating Plan

The Operating Plan of ET-WCS comprising the objectives, modalities of work, groups of relevance, expected outputs and activities is available here.



The ET-WCS convenes quarterly video-teleconferences and, when required, periodic face-to-face meetings. The reports arising from the face-to-face meetings are publicly available here


FileCloud Collaboration Platform

The ET-WCS FileCloud collaboration platform (member access only) is accessible here.

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