Second Meeting of the Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Aviation Applications (AG-VSA-2)
Second Meeting of the Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Applications
A subsidiary body of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI)
4 to 6 February 2025, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Jump to: Introduction | Meeting Information | Work Plan and Working Documentation | Final Report
The second meeting of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Aviation Applications (AG-VSA-2) will take place in Edinburgh, United Kingdom from 4 to 6 February 2025.
The objectives of the meeting is to discuss and coordinate the activities of AG-VSA during the intersessional period plus other issues of relevance.

Meeting Information
The provisional agenda of the meeting is available in AG-VSA-2/Doc. 1.2 while working arrangements for the meeting are contained in AG-VSA-2/INF. 1.3.
Work Plan and Working Documentation
Download templates here: Document (Doc) | Information Paper (INF) | Presentation (PPT)
DAY 1: Tuesday 4 February 2025, 0900-1700 hours (UTC+0)
Agenda Item | Doc./INF./Other | Title | Timing |
1. Opening, Agenda and Organization of the Meeting | |||
1.1 | -- | Opening of the meeting [Matt, Sam, Greg] | 0900 |
1.2 | Doc. 1.2 (10.X.2024) | Approval of the agenda [Matt or Sam] | 0915 |
1.3 | INF. 1.3 (24.X.2024) | Meeting arrangements [Greg] | 0920 |
2. Recap of the outcomes of WMO Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8) and AG-VSA-1 Meeting | |||
2.1 | INF. 2.1 (18.XI.2024) | IWVA-8 workshop outcomes including recommendations and statement [Greg] | 0930 |
2.2 | INF. 2.2 (18.XI.2024) | AG-VSA-1 meeting outcomes including actions and decisions [Greg] | 0945 |
3. ICAO METP WG-MOG (IAVW) Work Programme Deliverables Requiring AG-VSA Support | |||
3.1 | INF. 3.1 (19.XI.2024) | Relevant WG-MOG/20 (IAVW) and WG-MOG/23 (IAVW) actions [Greg] | 1015 |
Morning break | 1030 | ||
3. [Continued] | |||
3.2 | Doc. 3.2 (18.XII.2024*) | Relevant WG-MOG/27 (IAVW) actions and QVA workshop outcomes [Greg, Matt and Sam] (*Rev. No. 1 issued on 06.I.2025) | 1045 |
4. Review of the AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-2027 | |||
4 | INF. 4 (18.XII.2024) | AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-2027
| 1100 |
5. Progress, Challenges and Opportunities with AG-VSA Expected Outputs (Deliverables) | |||
5.1 | INF. 5.1 (20.I.2025) | New or updated regulatory materials, guidance materials and other resources related to the IAVW [Deliverable 1, Sam and Matt] | 1115 |
5.2 | INF. 5.2 (24.I.2025) | Functional capability requirements for volcano monitoring, volcanic eruption detection and notification of changes to eruption status [Deliverable 2, Dave and Sara] | 1130 |
Lunch break | 1200 | ||
5. [Continued] | |||
5.2 [Continued] | INF. 5.2 | [Continued] | 1330 |
5.3 | PPT. 5.3(1) PPT. 5.3(2) | Functional capability requirements for volcanic ash clouds and gases monitoring and detection, including re-suspended volcanic ash clouds [Deliverable 3, Mike] | 1400 |
Afternoon break | 1500 | ||
5.4 | INF. 5.4 + Attachment (restricted access - see Note) | Functional capability requirements for the numerical modelling of volcanic ash clouds and gases, including re-suspended volcanic ash clouds (Note, the Attachment to INF. 5.4 is accessible by AG-VSA members only using their WMO FileCloud login credentials) | 1515 |
5.5 | INF. 5.5(1) INF. 5.5(2) | Volcanological monitoring and modelling expertise in support of VAAC and SVO operational service delivery, including updates to VAAC modelling parameters tables [Deliverable 5, Soledad, Matt, Dave and Sara] | 1600 |
-- | -- | Close of Day 1 and look-ahead to Day 2 [Matt or Sam] | 1700 |
DAY 2: Wednesday 5 February 2025, 0830-1630 hours (UTC+0)
Note, Agenda Items 7 and 8 will precede Agenda Item 6
Agenda Item | Doc./INF./Other | Title | Timing |
-- | -- | Opening of Day 2 [Matt or Sam] | 0830 |
5. [Continued] | |||
5.6 | PPT. 5.6 (22.I.2025) | Global eruption source parameter database [Deliverable 6, Sam] | 0835 |
5.7 | PPT. 5.7 (24.I.2025) | Aircraft volcanic ash encounters database [Deliverable 7, Dave] | 0905 |
5.8 |
INF. 5.8(1) INF. 5.8(2) PPT. 5.8(3) | Demonstrations/showcases of scientific and technological innovation and good practices of relevance to the IAVW and other application areas 5.8(1) - Outcomes of the 2024 Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference (AeroMetSci-2024) 5.8(2) - Groups and fora addressing scientifically-related subjects of relevance to AG-VSA 5.8(3) - Volcanic ash advisories – Access and use at the British Geological Survey Note, Agenda Item 5.8 will conclude immediately after Agenda Item 8. | 0935 |
Morning break | 1030 | ||
5.9 | Doc. 5.9 INF. 5.9 | Competency framework for VAAC forecasters and SVO observers/personnel [Deliverable 9, Jarrad] | 1045 |
5.10 | Doc. 5.10 (13.I.2025) | AG-VSA inputs to WMO Services for Aviation newsletters [Deliverable 10, Sam and Matt] | 1145 |
5.11 | Verbal | AG-VSA progress reporting to SC-AVI [Deliverable 11, Sam and Matt] | 1155 |
Lunch break and GROUP PHOTO | 1200 | ||
7. IUGG International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior Scientific Assembly (IAVCEI SA2025) | |||
7.1-7.2 | PPT. 7 (30.I.2025) | - Provisional programme and, where applicable, AG-VSA experts' contribution - Other relevant issues (if any) | 1330 |
8. WMO Ninth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-9) | |||
8.1-8.5 | Doc. 8 (17.I.2025) | - Provisional dates and location; - Provisional objective and theme; - Provisional thematic sessions; - Scientific Organizing Committee establishment and composition; and - Timeline, logistics and other relevant issues (if any) [Greg, Matt and Sam] | 1400 |
Afternoon break | 1500 | ||
8.1-8.5 [Continued] | Doc. 8 | [Continued] | 1515 |
5. [Continued] | |||
5.8 (Continued) | PPT. 5.8(4) PPT. 5.8(5) | 5.8(4) - Coordinating response during bi-national volcanic eruptions 5.8(5) - Eruption column model for QVA forecast | 1600 |
-- | -- | Close of Day 2 and look-ahead to Day 3 [Matt or Sam] | 1630 or 1700 |
Group dinner (self-funded) - Location to be announced | 1900 |
DAY 3: Thursday 6 February 2025, 0830-1630 hours (UTC+0)
Agenda Item | Doc./INF./Other | Title | Timing |
-- | -- | Opening of Day 3 [Matt or Sam] | 0830 |
6. Volcanic Science Roundtable | |||
6.1 | PPT. 6.1 (6.II.2025) | Topic 1: Climatic controls on volcanic processes and potential implications for future volcanic hazards to aviation [Thomas Aubry, University of Exeter, UK] | 0835 |
6.2 | PPT. 6.2 (28.I.2025*) | Topic 2: VAAC QVA forecast verification (*Rev. No. 1 issued on 03.II.2025) | 0935 |
Morning break | 1035 | ||
6.3 | PPT. 6.3 (6.II.2025) | Topic 3: Psychological, behavioural and physical health impacts for occupants on aircraft encountering volcanic emissions [Claire Horwell, University of Durham, UK] | 1050 |
9. Update of the AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-2027 | |||
9 | Doc. 9 (13.I.2025) | AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-2027 [Matt, Sam and Greg] | 1150 |
Lunch break | 1200 | ||
9. [Continued] | |||
9 [Continued] | Doc. 9 | [Continued] | 1330 |
Afternoon break | 1500 | ||
10. Next Meeting | |||
10.1-10.3 | PPT. 10 (18.XII.2024*) | - Provisional 2025 schedule of AG-VSA conference calls; - Provisional arrangements for the AG-VSA-3 meeting; and - Other meetings/events of relevance to AG-VSA [Greg] (*Rev. No. 1 issued on 16.I.2025) | 1515 |
11. Any Other Business | 1540 | ||
12. Outcomes of the Meeting | |||
12.1 | PPT. 12.1 (in-session) | Summary of actions or decisions arising from AG-VSA-2 [Greg] | 1550 |
12.2 | PPT. 12.2 (in-session) | Summary of recommendations for SC-AVI-4 arising from AG-VSA-2 [Greg] | 1610 |
13. Closure of the Meeting [Matt, Sam and Greg] | 1620 | ||
-- | -- | Close of Day 3 | 1630 |
Final Report
The final report of the AG-VSA-2 meeting will be available in due course (March or April 2025).
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