Aviation | News | 2021-02-17 | Information on SERCOM-1 (II) side-event on gender equality and inclusivity
***UPDATE 26 FEBRUARY 2021***
A video-recording of the SERCOM side-event held on 23 February 2021 is available here.
Original message of 17 February 2021:
On Tuesday 23 February 2021, between 1630 and 1800 UTC, Part II of the First Session of WMO Services Commission, SERCOM-1 (II), will convene a special side-event titled: Building an Equal and Inclusive SERCOM - Past Experiences for Future Action.
The side-event will be moderated by Ian Lisk, president of SERCOM and Chair of WMO's Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) and Barbara Tapia, SERCOM's Gender Focal Point.
The objective of the side-event is to showcase good practice and success stories on increasing female participation in the work of WMO and to inspire action to accelerate efforts to build a gender-equal and inclusive SERCOM.
Claudia Ribero of the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (National Meteorological Service) of Argentina and the Coordinator for Gender Mainstreaming within the WMO's SC-AVI will be actively contributing to the side-event. She, along with other gender mainstreaming champions, will be involved in a live panel debate and will answer questions posed by the audience.
For additional information on the SERCOM side-event, please see the concept note and flyer.
The side-event will be streamed live via Zoom in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.
To join the side-event live, click here.
CLICK HERE to read inspiring stories from the female leaders from around the world serving WMO's Standing Committee on Services for Aviation
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