Aviation | News | 2023-07-21 | Update of the communications package addressing the two-stage discontinuation of WMO-No. 49, Volume II

Further to the previous news item here and in light of the outcomes of the second session of the Services Commission (SERCOM-2) in October 2022 and the nineteenth World Meteorological Congress in May/June 2023, which respectively recommended and adopted a two-stage plan of action for the discontinuation of the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation, the WMO Secretariat has updated a communication package that is available to support WMO Members and their aeronautical meteorological service providers in their awareness and understanding of the forthcoming changes to WMO's regulatory framework in in the aeronautical meteorology domain. 

The updated communications package is AVAILABLE HERE. It contains background information, latest news and next steps as well as summary and detailed versions of the plan of action and a downloadable information sheet and list of frequently asked questions.

Any questions for clarification on the discontinuation of WMO-No. 49, Volume II can be sent to the WMO Secretariat (aviation@wmo.int). 

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