Aviation | News | 2024-06-11 | WMO's Executive Council endorses the outcomes of IWVA-8
Today, 11 June 2024, the seventy-eighth session of the WMO Executive Council endorsed, through Resolution 7 (EC-78), the recommendations and statement arising from an Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8), which was convened by WMO in Rotorua, New Zealand in February 2023.
With the theme “From the 2010s to the 2020s and beyond: Managing and mitigating volcanic risks to aviation with an explosion of science”, the workshop addressed aviation industry needs, recent developments as well as upcoming challenges and opportunities for volcano observatories and meteorological services, and the next-generation of volcanic hazard services for aviation.
The IWVA-8 recommendations and statement endorsed at EC-78 help chart a path for scientific improvement within the international airways volcano watch over this decade and beyond. These outcomes plus copies of all oral and poster presentations are accessible on the IWVA-8 homepage.
Multilingual versions of the IWVA-8 Recommendations and Statement are available in: English | French | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Arabic
In addition, the Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8) is available here (English only) as WMO publication AeM SERIES No. 8.
CLICK HERE to learn about the outcomes of EC-78.

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