Aviation | News | 2024-08-15 | Migration into Moodle of competency assessment toolkit and training mapping database for aeronautical meteorological personnel

WMO is pleased to announce that its Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency (ET-ETC) has recently completed the migration into a Moodle training portal of the following resources for aeronautical meteorological personnel (AMP):

(Note, a TMD for aeronautical meteorological observers is currently being developed by ET-ETC and will be available in due course.)

The CAT covers the competency assessment philosophy, the competency assessment system, a competency assessment matrix and a competency assessment plan for AMO and AMF.

Meanwhile, the TMD provides AMF with learning resources to support their skills, knowledge and behaviours to enable them to ultimately demonstrate competence as an AMF.

Access to these AMP resources requires a (free) Moodle account. If you do not have a Moodle account or if you have forgotten your Moodle account credentials, please click here. Note, a Moodle account will enable you to access a vast array of other resources of relevance to AMO and AMF as well as service managers and others. 

Enquiries regarding the Moodle training portal can be sent to: aviation@wmo.int

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