Aviation | Resources | Technical Regulations, Guidance and Other Reference Materials


Current WMO Publications

The following is a list of current regulatory [R] and non-regulatory [N-R] publications of WMO of relevance to Services for Aviation:

WMO-No. Title Regulatory [R] or Non-Regulatory [N-R], Year of Edition or Update
49, Vol. I Technical Regulation, Volume I, General Meteorological Standards and Recommended Practices R, 2023
 49, Vol. II Technical Regulations, Volume II, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation
(Note, Parts I and II of WMO-No. 49, Volume II were discontinued on 31 December 2023. Please use ICAO Annex 3 instead.)
R, 2021
8 Guide to Instruments and Methods of Observation N-R, 2018-2021
15 Basic Documents No. 1, Convention, General Regulations, Staff Regulations, Financial Regulations and Agreements R, 2023
60 Basic Documents No. 3, Agreements and Working Arrangements with other International Organizations
(Note, the WMO and ICAO working arrangement is at Chapter II.3)
N-R, 2002 but updated by supplements when necessary
182 International Meteorological Vocabulary N-R, 1992
305 Guide to the Global Data-processing System N-R, 1993

Manual on Codes - International Codes, Volume I.1, Annex II to the WMO Technical Regulations: Part A- Alphanumeric Codes

R, 2019
306 Manual on Codes - International Codes, Volume I.2, Annex II to the WMO Technical Regulations: Part B – Binary Codes, Part C – Common Features to Binary and Alphanumeric Codes R, 2023
306 Manual on Codes - International Codes, Volume I.3 - Annex II to the WMO Technical Regulations: Part D – Representations derived from data models R, 2023
386 Manual on the Global Telecommunication System: Annex III to the WMO Technical Regulations R, 2020
485 Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System: Annex IV to the WMO Technical Regulations R, 2021
488 Guide to the Global Observing System N-R, 2017
731 Guide to Meteorological Observing and Information Distribution Systems for Aviation Weather Services N-R, 2014

Guide to Services for Aviation
(formerly the Guide to Practices for Meteorological Offices Serving Aviation)

N-R, 2023
782 Aerodrome Reports and Forecasts: A Users' Handbook to the Codes N-R, 2022

Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery: Principles and Guidance

N-R, 2023
930 Compendium on Tropical Meteorology for Aviation Purposes N-R, 2020
1038 Weather Forecasting for Soaring Flight N-R, 2009
1060 Manual on the WMO Information System: Annex VII to the WMO Technical Regulations R, 2023
1061 Guide to the WMO Information System, Volume I N-R, 2024
1083 Guide to the Implementation of Education and Training Standards in Meteorology and Hydrology, Volume I – Meteorology
(Note, this guide replaced WMO-No. 258, Volume I, Supplement No. 1)
N-R, 2023
1100 Guide to the Implementation of a Quality Management System for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services N-R, 2017
1111 WMO Risk Management Framework N-R, 2013
1160 Manual on the WMO Integrated Global Observing System: Annex VIII to the WMO Technical Regulations R, 2021
1165 Guide to the WMO Integrated Global Observing System N-R, 2021
1195 Guidelines on the Role, Operation and Management of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services N-R, 2017
1200 Guide to Aircraft-Based Observations N-R, 2017
1205 Guide to Competency
(to be used in conjunction with WMO-No. 1209, see below)
N-R, 2018
1209 Compendium of WMO Competency Frameworks
(to be used in conjunction with WMO-No. 1205, see above)
N-R, 2019

All WMO publications can be accessed, for free, via the WMO e-Library.

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Other WMO Publications

The following is a list of other non-regulatory publications of WMO of relevance to Services for Aviation:

WMO-No. Title Edition or Update
AeM SERIES No. 1 Outcomes of the 2016-2017 CAeM Global Survey on Aeronautical Meteorological Service Provision N-R, 2017
AeM SERIES No. 2 Proceedings of the 2017 WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference  N-R, 2018
AeM SERIES No. 3 Aviation Hazards N-R, 2018
AeM SERIES No. 4 Outcomes of the 2019 CAeM Global Survey Sensitivity Analysis of Future Meteorological Service Delivery to Aviation N-R, 2019
AeM SERIES No. 5 Long-term plan for aeronautical meteorology N-R, 2019
AeM SERIES No. 6 Outcomes of the 2020 Survey on the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Aviation N-R, 2020
AeM SERIES No. 7 Outcomes of the 2021 Global Survey on Gender Equality in Aeronautical Meteorology N-R, 2023
AeM SERIES No. 8 Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8) N-R, 2023
PPE SERIES No. 3 (WMO-No. 1263) WMO Open Consultative Platform White Paper #1: Future of weather and climate forecasting N-R, 2021
TD No. 2014-02 WIGOS: Requirements for the Implementation and Operation of an AMDAR Programme N-R, 2014
TR No. 2015-01 Impact and benefits of AMDAR temperature, wind and moisture observations in operational weather forecasting N-R, 2015
TR No. 2016-01 AMDAR Benefits to the Air Transport Industry N-R, 2016
TR No. 2021-01 WIGOS: The Benefits of AMDAR Data to Meteorology and Aviation N-R, 2021
N/A Manual for Airline Participation in the WMO-IATA Collaborative AMDAR Programme (WICAP) N-R, 2022
508 Guidelines for the Development and Adoption of Resolutions, Decisions and Recommendations N-R, 2023
1127 Guidelines on the Preparation and Promulgation of the WMO Technical Regulations N-R, 2014
1129 The WMO Strategy for Service Delivery N-R, 2024
1133 WMO Capacity Development Strategy and Implementation Plan N-R, 2015
1150 (Part I) WMO Guidelines on Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services (Part I) N-R, 2015
1150 (Part II) WMO Guidelines on Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services (IBFWS), Part II, Putting Multi-Hazard IBFWS into Practice N-R, 2021
1236 WMO Open Consultative Platform White Paper #1 - Future of weather and climate forecasting: Part I and Part II
(also see WMO-No. 1294 below)
N-R, 2021
1239 WMO Guidelines on Emerging Data Issues N-R, 2019
1240 Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions N-R, 2023
1241 Rules of Procedure for Regional Associations N-R, 2021
1244 Origin, Impact and Aftermath of WMO Resolution 40
(also see WMO Bulletin article available here)
N-R, 2019
1256 Rules of Procedure for the Executive Council N-R, 2021
1258 Guidelines for Public-Private Engagement N-R, 2021
1294 WMO Open Consultative Platform White Paper #2 - Future of weather and climate forecasting: Part I and Part II 
(also see WMO-No. 1236 above)
N-R, 2022
1339 WMO Guide for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Support of National Multi‑hazard Early Warning Systems, Procedures, Coordination Mechanisms and Services: Guide No. 1 – Tropical Cyclones N-R, 2023
N/A WMO Unified Data Policy N-R, 2022
N/A WMO Writing and Style Guide N-R, 2023
N/A WMO Corporate Visual Identity Guidelines N-R, 2016
N/A Project Management Guidelines and Handbook: Part I - Project Management Guidelines, Part II - Project Management Handbook N-R, 2016

All WMO publications can be accessed, for free, via the WMO e-Library.

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Relevant ICAO Publications

The following is a list of regulatory [R] and non-regulatory [N-R] publications of ICAO of relevance to Services for Aviation (see Note):

ICAO Doc. Title Regulatory [R] or Non-Regulatory [N-R]
Annex 1 Personnel Licensing R
Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation R
Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations R
Annex 6 Operation of Aircraft R
Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft R
Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications R
Annex 11 Air Traffic Services R
Annex 12 Search and Rescue R
Annex 13 Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation R
Annex 14 Aerodromes R
Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services R
Annex 16 Environmental Protection R
Annex 19 Safety Management R
4444 Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Air Traffic Management R
7192 Training Manual, Part F-1 - Meteorology for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots N-R
7300 Convention on International Civil Aviation R
7475 Working Arrangements Between the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Meteorological Organization N-R
7488 Manual of the ICAO Standard Atmosphere (extended to 80 kilometres (262 500 feet)) N-R
8126 Aeronautical Information Services Manual N-R
8168 Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations R
8400 Procedures for Air Navigation Services - ICAO Abbreviations and Codes N-R
8896 Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practice N-R
9082 ICAO's Policies on Charges for Airport and Air Navigation Services N-R
9137 Airport Services Manual N-R
9161 Manual on Air Navigation Services Economics N-R
9184 Airport Planning Manual N-R
9328 Manual of Runway Visual Range Observing and Reporting Practices N-R
9365 Manual of All-Weather Operations N-R
9377 Manual on Coordination between Air Traffic Services, Aeronautical Information Services and Aeronautical Meteorological Services N-R
9426 Air Traffic Services Planning Manual N-R
9562 Airport Economics Manual N-R
9640 Manual of Aircraft Ground De-Icing/Anti-Icing Operations N-R
9691 Manual on Volcanic Ash, Radioactive Material and Toxic Chemical Clouds N-R
9735 Safety Oversight Audit Manual N-R
9750 Global Air Navigation Plan N-R
9760 Airworthiness Manual N-R
9766 Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW): Operational Procedures and Contact List N-R
9817 Manual on Low-level Wind Shear N-R
9835 Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements N-R
9837 Manual on Automatic Meteorological Observing Systems at Aerodromes N-R
9855 Guidelines on the Use of the Public Internet for Aeronautical Applications N-R
9859 Safety Management Manual N-R
9868 Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training R
9931 Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) Manual N-R
9965 Manual on Flight and Flow — Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE) N-R
9971 Manual on Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management N-R
9974 Flight Safety and Volcanic Ash N-R
9981 Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aerodromes R
9993 Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) Manual N-R
10003 Manual on the ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model (formerly the Manual on the Digital Exchange of Aeronautical Meteorological Information) N-R
10004 Global Aviation Safety Plan N-R
10019 Manual on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) N-R
10020 Manual of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) N-R
10055 Manual on Notification and Publication of Differences N-R
10066 Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aeronautical Information Management R
10070 Manual on the Competencies of Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors N-R
10100 Manual on Space Weather Information in Support of International Air Navigation N-R

Note: Most ICAO publications are only accessible via the ICAO Secure Portal or via the ICAO Online Store. For assistance please contact ICAO directly.

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