Climate Data

Data Rescue

Data rescue involves accessing, organizing and preserving recorded instrument observations and environmental data at risk of being lost. Data rescue is critically important to ensure that future generations of scientists and other data users have access to all the information necessary to assess environmental variability and change, as well as to provide a range of environmental services.

Guidelines on Good Practices for Data Rescue, WMO-No. 1182, WMO 2024

Copernicus Data Rescue Service Portal

Data Stewardship

Climate data stewardship within WMO intends to enable high levels of quality, completeness and usability of Members’ climate datasets (national, regional, global), including the metadata for those datasets. Climate data stewardship is basically implemented:

(i) Through WIGOS, WIS and partly WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS), based on community requirements, for observation and exchange of climate data; and

(ii) Through the Global Data Management Framework for Climate, based on the provisions of the Manual on the High-Quality Global Data Management Framework for Climate (WMO-No. 1238) and related WMO Guidelines, for delayed mode quality control, homogenization and climate dataset generation and management.

List of and Links to related guidance material:

Manual on the High Quality- Global Data Management Framework for Climate, WMO-No. 1238, WMO 2023

Guide to Climatological Practices, WMO-No. 100, WMO 2023

Guidance Booklet: WMO Stewardship Maturity Matrix for Climate Data, WMO-No. 1328, WMO 2023

Guidelines on Homogenisation , WMO-No. 1245, WMO 2020

Challenges in the Transition from Conventional to Automatic Meteorological Observing Networks for Long-term Climate Record, WMO-No. 1202, WMO 2017

WMO Guidelines on the Calculation of Climate Normals, WMO-No. 1203, WMO 2017

WMO Guidelines on surface

station climate data Quality Control and Quality Assurance for climate applications, WMO-No. 1269, WMO 2021

WMO Guidelines on submission of World Weather Records 2011+, WMO-No. 1186, WMO 2021

Data Sets

The World Meteorological Organization is committed to facilitating free and unrestricted exchange of meteorological and related data and information, products and services (see for example, WMO Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021); WMO, 2022). WMO is dedicated to ensuring and providing the highest possible quality of meteorological, climatological, hydrological and marine information and related environmental data, products and services.

Links to:


CLINO Website of NCEI

WWR Website of NCEI

Climate Data Catalogue