Eighth Session of the Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI-8)
- Agenda
- Logistical information note
- Rules of procedure for Technical Commissions (WMO-No. 1240) [English/French]
- Final report
Opening session
- Presentation of objectives and expected outcomes, Qingchen Chao
- WMO Climate Services Division and importance of SC-CLI, Chris Hewitt
- Feedback from SERCOM Management Group: Key Insights for SC-CLI, Wilfran Moufouma Okia
Updates from SERCOM Focal Points
- SC-DRR: Updates on disaster risk reduction efforts, Cyrille Honoré
- SC-AGR: Contributions to agricultural services, Sebastian Grey
- SG-RENE: Renewable energy transition updates, Hamid Bastani
- Task Team on Paris Agreement Goals: Progress on monitoring temperature targets, Blair Trewin
Expert Team and Task Team Updates
- ET-CIDS: Climate Services Information Systems for decision support, Nicola Golding & Kumar Kolli
- ET-MCVC: Monitoring and communicating climate variability and change, Jessica Blunden & John Kennedy
- ET-CDC: Capacity Development for Climate Services, Helen Tseros & Charlotte McBride
- ET-DDS: Data Development and Stewardship, Denis Stuber & Reinaldo Silveira
- ET-IHS: Integrated Health Services, Joy Shumake-Guillemot
- TT-NFCS: National Frameworks for Climate Services, Nicola Golding
- JET-CRYO: Cryosphere related Services, Helge Tangen
Enabling Systems for Climate Services
- Refocused Global Framework for Climate Services, Chris Hewitt
- WMO Integrated Processing and Prediction System (WIPPS): Updates on WIPPS and the Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) to enhance climate prediction capabilities, Yuki Honda
- Overview of the Global Greenhouse Watch, Oksana Tarasova
- Task Team on Climate Infrastructure, Nir Stav
- Climate Observations: Updates on climate reference and centennial stations for improved monitoring and data collection, Caterina Tassone
Partnership for Advancing Climate Services
- Progress on the EW4All Initiative, Erica Allis
- Examples of projects supporting climate services, Maria Julia Chasco
Supporting Climate Policy through Authoritative Scientific Information and Update
- Global, Regional and National State of Climate Reports, Omar Baddour & Claire Ransom
- Seasonal and Decadal Outlooks and El Niño/La Niña updates, Wilfran Moufouma Okia
- Climate information driven policies for adaptation and mitigation, Amir Delju
Strengthening Capacity across the Climate Services Value Cycle
- Enabling mechanisms for Climate Services: Frameworks to support the implementation of climate services information systems, Rupa Kumar Kolli
- Monitoring Extreme Climate Events: Updates on using extreme climate indices, guidance on collecting and quality-controlling national climate records, and evaluating World Records, John Kennedy
- Modern Standards for Climate Data Stewardship: Best practices for quality control, homogenization, exchange, archiving, and rescue of historical and current data to support climate monitoring and prediction, Reinaldo Silveira
- Capacity-building programs and tools for NMHSs, Helen Tseros
Stakeholder Engagement and Communication
- National Frameworks for Climate Services
- Stakeholder Outreach Strategies for GFCS Priority Sectors
- Discussion: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Exploring Emerging Priorities and Opportunities
- Key insights from the State of Climate Services Reports and benefits of climate services checklist and dashboard, Veronica Grasso
- 2025 International Conference on Climate Services, Qingchen Chao
- Regional information for Society (RIfS), Maureen Wanzala
Updating Expert Teams ’s Work Plan or Terms of Reference
Operationalizing SC-CLI’s Work Plan
- Implement SC-CLI's work plan through structured actions and coordination, Qingchen Chao
- Deliverables and Resource Alignment for 2024–2027
- Pending Requests from SERCOM, INFCOM, and Research Board
- Assigning Roles and Timelines for Future Actions
- Discussion: Improving Coordination and Execution
Closing session
- Summary of outcomes and next steps, Wilfran Moufouma Okia
- Closing remarks, Qingchen Chao and Chris Hewitt
Useful links