National CSIS Focal Points

The Climate Services Information System (CSIS) is the principal mechanism of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) to routinely collate, store and process information about past, present and future climate. The implementation strategy of the CSIS is based on a three-tiered structure of collaborating institutions at global, regional and national level that will ensure climate information and products are generated, exchanged and disseminated.

The WMO Congress and Executive Council recognized that the CSIS implementation at the national level requires coordination and communication both within the countries and with regional and global entities of the System. Therefore, it was recommended to establish a network of National CSIS Focal Points (NCFPs), who will:

  • act as the primary contact points for the implementation of the System at the national level, including for the relevant interactions with CCl bodies;
  • keep under review the emerging features of CSIS within the implementation of the GFCS at the national level;
  • promote at the national level the generation and dissemination of climate information and services, and find ways to facilitate access to and use of global and regional climate information as well as to enhance user interface with the System; and
  • promote and strengthen national CSIS mechanisms including through the identification of capacity development needs

The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the CSIS Focal Points approved by the EC at its 70 session (Annex to Resolution 5 (EC-70)) provides a list of key functions that the Focal Points should carry out (EnglishFrenchSpanishArabicRussian).


Status of nominations of National CSIS Focal Points

Introductory forums

WMO initiated a series of online introductory forums for NCFPs for  each of the WMO Regional Association (RA), to update them on recent developments, and to actively engage them in CSIS implementation at the national level through linkages to the regional and global systems and entities.

The objectives of the introductory forums are to:

  • Raise awareness on the key concepts related to climate services
  • Facilitate Members’ contribution to sessions of the WMO Constituent bodies, including the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services & Applications (Services Commission or SERCOM)
  • Facilitate regular updates of WMO Checklist for Climate Services Implementation
  • Improve understanding of WMO Quality Management System (QMS)
  • Raise awareness on WMO activities and projects related to climate services in the relevant sub-regions, RAs. 

Below are the forum pages: