Antarctic Regional Climate Centre-Network Implementation Planning Meeting
- Concept note
- Agenda
- AntRCC-Network Concept Paper
- Draft implementation plan outline
- Information pack for participants
- Final report

Setting the scene
- Overview of WMO RCCs implementation and designation criteria, role of ET-CSISO (SERCOM) and ET-OCPS (INFCOM), Rupa Kumar Kolli (ET-CSISO)
- The role of EC-PHORS and Antarctic Advisory Group, Sue Barrell (EC-PHORS)
- Appraisal of existing WMO RCC implementation, with a focus on RCC-Networks: technical and organizational arrangements, Simon McGree (PRCC-Network)
- Lessons learnt from the ArcRCC-Network implementation, including its flagship activity Arctic Climate Forums, Helge Tangen (ArcRCC-Network)
- Overview of the current status of the AntRCC-Network implementation, including the outcomes of the WMO survey 2019 and of the Scoping Workshop, Wilfran Moufouma Okia (WMO)
- Overview of the Concept Paper on the AntRCC-Network Implementation, Scott Carpentier (BoM)
- Initial concept of the three nodes of the AntRCC-Network
- Climate Data Node, Steve Colwell (BAS)
- Climate Monitoring Node, Vito Vitale (CNR-ISP)
- Climate Prediction Node, Scott Carpentier (BoM)
AntRCC-Network: technical arrangements
- AntRCC-Network: technical arrangements, Wilfran Moufouma Okia
AntRCC-Network: partnership arrangements
- An overview of the Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern hemisphere (YOPP-SH): Implications for the AntRCC-Network, David H. Bromwich (YOPP-SH)
- Multiparametric atmospherical stations in Antarctica, Ricardo Faundez (INACH)
- Centro de Investigación Gaia Antártica, Jorge Carrasco (Universidad de Magallanes)
- Monitoring change in the atmospheric composition, Raúl R. Cordero (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
- Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW): links to the AntRCC-Network, Petra Heil (GCW)
Engagement of user groups and consultations on their requirements
- Engagement of user groups and consultations on their requirements, Scott Carpentier (BoM)
AntRCC-Network implementation plan: way forward
- Final elements of the AntRCC-Network Implementation Plan and way forward, Robert Argent (BoM)
Useful links and documents
- Scoping Workshop: Toward Implementing an Antarctic RCC-Network, Bologna, Italy, 7-9 October 2019
- Arctic Regional Climate Centre-Network (ArcRCC-Network)
- Arctic Regional Climate Centre-Network Implementation Plan
- Technical documentation - Guidance for data centres contributing to GCW