Scoping Workshop on the WMO recognized entity supporting El Niño/La Niña information: concept and function

Background and objectives

There is a growing demand for more comprehensive and more frequently updated El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation (ENSO) information, not only from Members but also from the United Nations agencies and humanitarian community. The Scoping Workshop on the WMO recognized entity supporting El Niño/La Niña information will bring together representatives from relevant operational centres and institutions routinely dealing with ENSO information, and representatives of user community, to discuss and agree on potential solutions and provide recommendations on how to develop and improve ENSO information to support Members’ needs.

The Scoping Workshop is jointly organized by the WMO in collaboration with the Expert Team on Climate Services Information System Operations (ET-CSISO) of the Standing Committee for Climate Services (SC-CLI)/SERCOM and the Expert Team on Operational Climate Prediction Services (ET-OCPS) of the Standing Committee on Data Processing for Applied Earth System Modelling and Prediction (SC-ESMP)‎‎‎‎‎‎‎/INFCOM. Co-hosted by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and India Meteorological Department Pune (IMD-Pune).


Group photo ENSO workshop



Sessions and presentations

Session 1 - Setting the scene

Session 2 - Briefing from selected operational ENSO information providers

Session 3 - Use of El Niño/La Niña information: strengths, limitations, gaps, and ways to improve towards better support to decision-making

Working session - Development and draft of provisional functions of the WMO entity supporting El Niño/La Niña information (or consideration of other potential solution)

Plenary session - Recommendations on development and improvement of El Niño/La Niña information to support Members

Information for participants

The workshop will be conducted primarily as face-to-face event; however, for some exceptional cases, it will be possible to attend the sessions and discussions via Teams (invite to be sent by email to participants before the meeting).

Working language of this workshop is English.

Organizing committee

Co-chairs of ET-CSISO: Rupa Kumar Kolli (IITM, India) and Roger Pulwarty (NOAA, USA)

Co chairs of ET-OCPS: Arun Kumar (CPC/NWS/NOAA, USA) and Caio Coelho (CPTEC, Brazil)

WMO Regional Climate Prediction Services Division (RCP): Wilfran Moufouma Okia, Anahit Hovsepyan, Jose Alvaro Silva, Sarah Diouf, Atsushi Goto

WMO Earth System Prediction Division (ESP): Yuki Honda, Eunha Lim

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM): Dr Kaustav Chakravarty

Relevant Resolutions and Decisions

  • Decision SERCOM-2/Doc. 5.5(3) - El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation information to support Members
  • Resolution 15 (Cg-17) - World Climate Programme
  • Resolution 14 (Cg-18) - Development of the initial concept for the WMO coordination mechanism to support the humanitarian activities of the United Nations and other organizations
  • Resolution 20 (Cg-18) - WMO contributions to the provision of climate information and services in support of policy and decision-making
  • Decision 10 (EC-69) - Climate Services Information System products to support United Nations system planning and WMO Members on seasonal to interannual timescales

Useful links

WMO El Niño/La Niña Update