Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS)

Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS)



SDS-WAS aims to establish a coordinated global network of SDS research and forecasting centers to enhance operational SDS forecasts through technology transfer from research. SDS-WAS partners with the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW).

SDS-WAS Science and Implementation Plan 2020-2025 is available here.

WMO Public web-site:

Global SDS-WAS Steering Committee here


WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin #4 (May 2020)

WMO SDS-WAS Science Progress Report for 2019: GAW-WWRP Report, June 2020

6th SDS-WAS Steering Committee Meeting, 19-21 October 2020

4th Meeting of UN Coalition on Combating SDS, 21 October 2020

CREWS Burkina Faso SDS-WAS Study in New WMO report issued: State of Climate Services

About the WMO SDS-WAS

SDS-WAS was established in 2007 in response to the intention of 40 WMO member countries to improve capabilities for more reliable sand and dust storm forecasts. Research forecasting products from atmospheric dust models may substantially contribute to risk reduction in many areas of societal benefit. It will rely on real-time delivery of products.

More than 25 organizations currently provide daily global or regional dust forecasts in different geographic regions, including 9 global models and more than 15 regional models contributing to SDS-WAS. The SDS-WAS integrates research and user communities (e.g. medical, aeronautical, agricultural users). SDS-WAS is established as a federation of partners organized around regional nodes. At the moment three nodes are established: the Northern Africa-Middle East-Europe Node (hosted by Spain), the Asian Node (hosted by China) and the PanAmerican Node (hosted by Barbados).

Video - SDS problem and SDS-WAS (Protecting People from Sand and Dust Storms)

Scientific background and modeling of sand and dust storm events

Global Forecasts in SDS-WAS

About 9 global and 15 regional models are contributing to SDS-WAS.

The main global forecast provider to SDS-WAS is CAMS.

You can find up to date maps here

GAW contributing modelling network is ICAP.

You can find up to date maps here

Regional SDS Forecasts by SDS-WAS Nodes and Centers

Regional SDS-WAS operates through the Global SDS-WAS Steering Committee and three Regional Nodes and their Centers: 

Recent Publications