First Technical Workshop and 3rd Task Team Meeting of the HydroSOS

The 1st Technical Workshop and 3rd Task Team Meeting of the HydroSOS were held in Nanjing, China from 11-14 November 2020, bringing together more than 20 different institutions involved in the development of the pilot phase of HydroSOS. The purpose of the meetings was to present the progress made so far under the initiative, ranging from compilation of case studies with different methodologies regarding hydrological status and outlooks around the world, comparisons of local and global hydrological forecasts, and capacities assessments performed in participating countries. The meeting had interactive sessions where all participants contributed to the discussions on how to move forward the initiative, and tackled issues regarding the viability of developing such an ambitious System. Moreover, future milestones and activities were identified towards the road to presenting HydroSOS during the Extraordinary session of WMO Congress to be held in 2021, which will have a special focus on water.
- Report of the meeting
- Presentations