Flash Flood Guidance System With Global Coverage Executive Group


The FFGS/WGC Sustainability Strategy has been endorsed by World Meteorological Congress in 2021 at its extraordinary session (Res. 5 Cg-Ext (2021)). The Sustainability Strategy outlines the need for a more inclusive governance forum termed the new Programme Management Committee (PMC). The Strategy expands the current four-party Management table (currently including the four signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the implementation of a Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage, that is WMO, HRC, NOAA and USAID) to include representation of those contributing to and benefitting from the overall effort.
To allow operational decisions can be made in a timely manner, as per the Sustainability Strategy indications, an Executive Group, smaller than the PMC, is needed to lead and manage day-to-day activities of the FFGS/WGC. It would be responsible for tactical problem solving between sessions of the PMC. The Executive Group is the executive body of the PMC for the FFGS/WGC and is responsible to PMC for the coordination and implementation of activities consistent with the decisions of PMC.


Terms of Reference

The Executive Group shall:

  1. Implement the decisions taken by PMC and conduct activities in accordance with the intention of such decisions;
  2. Examine, provide information, counsel, and assistance on the activities and requirements of the FFGS/WGC and present its observations and recommendations to PMC;
  3. Consider operational continuity and implementing issues and, where necessary, take action on behalf of the PMC; reporting to PMC on certain actions taken as appropriate;
  4. Study and make recommendations to the PMC on matters related to the FFGS/WGC, including those affecting the operations and sustainability, and the general provision of early warning services and related activities;
  5. Prepare the agenda of PMC meetings in coordination with Regional Steering Committees;
  6. Guide the preparation of the work plans and activities of TSG and other bodies formed by the PMC;
  7. Periodically review its Terms of Reference (ToRs) and composition, making recommendation to PMC on any proposed modifications;
  8. Report on its activities to each session of PMC.


The Executive Group shall be composed of:

  1. One (1) representative from each of the FFGS MoU Partners (HRC, NOAA/NWS, USAID/BHA and WMO Secretariat);
  2. One (1) of the 4 representatives from the WMO Technical Commissions and WMO bodies in the PMC, as selected by PMC;
  3. Two (2) representatives from the current membership of PMC from Regional Centres, as selected by PMC;
  4. One (1) representative from each of the other donor institutions that are represented on PMC (other than USAID/BHA); 
  5. The Chair of the PMC is the chair of the Executive Group (EG). The Chair of the PMC can delegate the Vice-Chair of PMC as chair of EG sessions, as needed under extraordinary circumstances.
  6. The Vice-chair of the EG (to be selected by the EG from its membership);
  7. One (1) Chair from each FFGS TSG and other PMC bodies (all ex officio);
  8. One (1) representative from each of the FFGS Global Centres (when applicable).

The Head, Hydrological Forecasting Unit of the WMO Secretariat shall act as secretary to the EG.
The EG reports to the Programme Management Committee (PMC)

Modalities of work

The Executive Group shall normally hold sessions possibly on a half yearly schedule or more frequently as needed, at a place (or medium if virtual) and on a date and time to be determined by its chair or vice-chair after consultation with other members of the Group. It is likely that more frequent meetings will be held as needed. Meetings may be held face-to-face or through electronic means. 
Independently from the Executive Group, the FFGS MoU Partners may meet in camera concurrent with or separate from sessions of the Executive Group to discuss financial or other matters of relevance to the administration of activities of the FFGS/WGC. Specific Partners may also meet separately and in camera for administrative reasons (e.g., management of inter-organisational agreements or for the development, modification, implementation, and review of work plans).