10th Session of the Standing Committee on Hydrological Services (SC-HYD)

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Final Report
Tentative Work Plan
Time (CEST) |
Agenda Item |
Documents |
Monday, 13 June (Location : Salle C1) |
09:30-11:00 | 1. Opening of the session | DOC.1 |
2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work | ||
3. Outcomes of HCP-4, SERCOM MG Meeting |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee/Tea break (Group Photo) | |
11:15-12:30 |
3. Outcomes of HCP-4, SERCOM MG Meeting (cont.) |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30 - 15:00 |
4. Review on progress of activities under SC-HYD (Current status, challenges, next steps, timelines, deliverables, any key decisions for SERCOM-2 and its status, inputs from other SCs/SGs/ETs) |
INF.4 |
DOC.4.1 | |
DOC.4.2 | |
DOC.4.3 | |
15:00-15:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
15:15-17:00 |
4. Review on progress of activities under SC-HYD (Current status, challenges, next steps, timelines, deliverables, any key decisions for SERCOM-2 and its status, inputs from other SCs/SGs/ETs) |
DOC.4.4 | |
DOC.4.5 | |
DOC.4.6 | |
Tuesday, 14 June (Location: Salle C1) |
09:30-11:00 |
4. Review on progress of activities under SC-HYD (cont.) (Current status, challenges, next steps, timelines, deliverables, any key decisions for SERCOM-2 and its status, inputs from other SCs/SGs/ETs) |
DOC.4.7 | |
DOC.4.8 | |
DOC.4.9 | |
DOC.4.10 | |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
11:15-12:30 |
4. Review on progress of activities under SC-HYD (cont.) (Current status, challenges, next steps, timelines, deliverables, any key decisions for SERCOM-2 and its status, inputs from other SCs/SGs/ETs) |
DOC.4.11 | |
DOC.4.12 | |
DOC.4.13 | |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-15:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
DOC.5 |
15:00-15:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
15:15-17:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
19:15 onwards | Self-funded Dinner | |
Wednesday, 15 June (Location: Salle C2) |
09:30-11:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
11:00-11:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
11:15-12:30 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-15:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
15:00-15:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
15:15-17:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
Thursday, 16 June (Location: Salle B) |
09:30-11:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
11:00-11:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
11:15-12:30 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-15:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
15:00-15:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
15:15-17:00 |
5. Review the latest version of Action Plan for Hydrology on SC-HYD activities and update SC-HYD workplan
Friday, 17 June (Location: Salle B) |
09:30-11:00 | 6. WMO extrabudgetary projects linked to HWR components | PPT.6 |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
11:15-12:30 | 7. Linkages/synergies with Regional Operating Plans | DOC.7 |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break | |
13:30-15:00 | 8. Summary of discussions and action points from 10th SC-HYD | DOC. 8 |
15:00-15:15 | Coffee/Tea break | |
15:15-17:00 |
9. Any other business 10. Closing remarks |