7th RA II Hydrological Advisers Forum

The 7th Hydrological Advisers Forum for Region II (Asia) was held virtually through videoconference on 30 April 2024. Dr. Sung Kim, Regional Hydrological Adviser for RA II chaired the meeting which saw the participation of Hydrological Advisers and other experts from 20 Members in the region along with the staff from WMO.
The main objective of the 7th Forum was to update Members on outcomes from some of the recently concluded meetings such as the 2nd face-to-face meeting of the RA II Coordination Panel on Hydrology (RA II CP-H), HCP-6, SERCOM-3, INFCOM-3 and discuss topics of interest for the next intersessional period. A presentation on the first pilot Southeast Asia Hydrological Outlook Forum was also done.
1. Opening Remarks (Dr. Sung Kim, Regional Hydrological Adviser, RA II and Co-Chair RA II Coordination Panel on Hydrology and Water Resources)
2. Introduction of new participants and RA II experts (Round the table)
3. RA II CP-H updates (Outcomes from the 2nd face-to-face meeting, upcoming meeting for next intersessional period) (Dr Sung Kim)
4. Hydrological Forecasting and Water Resources Services Initiatives (Dr Hwirin Kim, Head, Hydrological and Water Resources Services (HWR) Division, WMO)
5. WHOS/WIS implementation - Call for experts from RA II (Mr Tommaso Abrate, Scientific Officer, Earth Systems Monitoring (ESM) Division, WMO)
6. Outcomes from HCP-6, SERCOM-3 and INFCOM-3 (Mr Nakul Prasad, Project Officer, HWR Division, WMO and Mr Tommaso Abrate)
7. Follow-up from 1st Pilot Southeast Asia Hydrological Outlook Forum (SEAHOF) (Dr Nguyen Hoang Minh, Core Member RA II CP-Hydrology and HydroSOS Focal Point - Viet Nam)
8. Any other business and closing remarks (Dr Sung Kim)