First Hydrological Advisers Forum RA II - Asia

Region 2 - Asia -1st meeting

The objective of this meeting is to have a consultation with the National Hydrological Advisers of WMO Regional Association II (Asia) to convey the requirements and capacities, identify gaps and priority areas that need to be addressed by the Technical Commissions and implemented by the Regional Associations.


(i) Introduction to the Hydrological Advisers Forum of RA II and reformed governance of WMO
(ii) Introduction of Participants (round the table)
(iii) WMO-related issues:

  • Nomination of Hydrological Advisers and their roles
  • Hydrological Survey
  • Covid-19 Survey
  • Nomination of experts to the WMO Expert Network

(iv) Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS)
(v) Overview of APFM Help desk and how countries can leverage support
(vi) Hydrological Challenges and Needs (2021-2024) in RA II and Regional Association Structure
(vii) Any other business
