Seventh Hydrological Coordination Panel meeting (HCP-7)

HCP-7 2025 WMO


TimeAgenda itemPPT
9:00 –12:30

1.    Opening of the session, adoption of the agenda and organization of work

2.    Review of previous decisions and recommendations of WMO Governing and subsidiary bodies 
2.1.    Review and follow-up of decision and recommendations of HCP-6 
2.2.    Review and follow-up of decision and recommendations of other bodies
2.3.    Review of hydrological representatives in other bodies

3.    WMO Plan of Action for Hydrology 
3.1.    Review of deliverables in 2024 and planning for 2025

Item 3


12:30 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 –

3.    WMO Plan of Action for Hydrology (cont.) 
3.2.    Update of the Plan of Action
3.3.    Prioritization and distribution of responsibilities

4. Reporting
4.1.    Report on hydrological activities in INFCOM
4.2.    Report on hydrological activities in SERCOM
4.3.    Report on hydrological activities in the Research Board

3.2 Ambition F

3.2 Ambition G

Item 4.1

Item 4.2


Item 4.3

9:00 – 

4. Reporting (cont.)
4.4.    Report of Regional Hydrological Advisers 
(2 slides per RHA, max 10 min per RA including discussion)

5.    Coordination of cross-cutting activities
5.1.    Guide to Hydrological Practices Vol. 1 and 2 (WMO no. 168), International Glossary for Hydrology (joint publication with UNESCO) and WMO Standard Vocabulary 
5.2.    HydroSOS development and implementation 
5.3.    Annual State of Global Water Resources Report 2024 
5.4.    Developments cryosphere
5.5.    Pilot study on global flood modelling 
5.6.    WIPPS hydrological centers

Item 4.4

Item 5.1

Item 5.2

Item 5.3

Item 5.4

Item 5.5

Item 5.6

12:30 – 13:30Lunch
13:30– 17:00

Strategic Discussion “Future of Hydrology at WMO”, interactive small group discussion

6. Preparation for the 2025 SERCOM-Ext, RB-12, EC-79 and Cg-Ext(2025)

Item 6
18:00 – 21:00Workshop dinner 
9:00 – 

7. Global linkages: Partner agencies’ key hydrological activities linked with WMO Plan of Action for Hydrology
7.1.    Status of the Water and Climate Coalition (WCC) 
7.2.    Key partner contributions: IAHS, GWP, UNESCO-IHP, UNECE Water Convention, and AWARe 
7.3.    Cooperation with and contributions to UN Water (including COP 29 (incl. Baku Water Dialogue) and COP 30)

8.    Governance issues 
8.1.    Status of engagement of hydrologists in WMO governing bodies
8.2.    Hydrological Advisers Forum and alignment of hydrological activities at the regional level
8.3.    Update on the revision of General Regulations (WMO no.15) including strengthening the role of Hydrological Advisers

Item 7.2 (UNESCO-IHP)

Item 7.2 (UNECE Water Convention)

Item 7.2 (AWARe)

Item 7.2 (GWP)

Item 7.2 (IAHS)

Item 7.3

12:30 – 13:30Lunch
13:30– 17:00 

9.    Capacity Development and extra-budgetary activities 
9.1.    Capacity Building activities
9.2.    Voluntary Contribution Projects (HCP-PSG)

10.    WMO 75th Anniversary

11.    Any other business

12.    Adoption of decisions and recommendations

13.    Closing of the meeting 

Item 9.1

Item 10

Item 11 demo Samoa HydroSOS portal (video)