The Integrated WWW Monitoring (IWM)
The operation of Integrated World Weather Watch Monitoring (IWM) is retired and the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Data Quality Monitoring System(WDQMS) has been adopted as an operational replacement. More information about the decision approved by the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information System First Session (Third Part) (INFCOM-1 (III)) can be found here (decision 5.1.3(2)/1). (Updated on 20 July 2021 from Operational Newsletter )
The project on integrated WWW monitoring (IWM), as agreed by the Commission at its Twelfth Session, comprised two parts: an operational trial of the proposed integrated monitoring and an extension of the special MTN monitoring (SMM). CBS-XIII noted the workshop on WWW quantitative monitoring (Toulouse, June 2003) that was held related to the implementation of the Integrated WWW Monitoring. The IWM project is based on the sharing of the responsibilities of the monitoring between the WWW centres and the Secretariat. The RTHs would play a key role by collecting monitoring reports from their associated NMCs and sending the consolidated IWM reports to the Secretariat and their associated MTN centres. The RTHs could use the Annual Global Monitoring (AGM) reports of their associated NMCs to prepare their IWM reports.
CBS-XIII emphasized that the use of a PC-based common monitoring application would greatly facilitate a consistent and effective implementation of the IWM at WWW centres. CBS-XIII was very pleased that Germany (DWD) had developed a monitoring application on PC; it expressed its appreciation and thanks that DWD was making the arrangements for the distribution through WMO of the monitoring software for use by the NMHSs. CBS-XIII supported that an operational trial of the IWM be carried out at an RTH in Region I, such as RTH Dakar, using the PC-based monitoring application.
In view of the development of the use of the BUFR code, in particular through the migration to table-driven code forms, CBS-XIII stressed the importance of monitoring data presented in the BUFR code. It noted with appreciation that RTHs on the MTN, in particular RTHs Melbourne, Offenbach, Tokyo and Toulouse, were participating in a pilot study and in preliminary tests for the monitoring of BUFR bulletins. The present and planned responsibilities taken by the centres were as follows:
- Offenbach agreed to prepare pre-analysis files for aircraft BUFR data provided by Melbourne, Offenbach and Toulouse. Offenbach was currently providing such pre-analysis files;
- Tokyo developed a pre-analysis application for wind profiler BUFR data and implemented it on a trial basis in October 2004;
- Melbourne was considering making the pre-analysis for other types of data, thus preparing the monitoring of the migration to TDCF.
CBS-XIII asked the OPAG on ISS to further promote the development and implementation of the IWM and invited RTHs on the MTN to actively join this effort. It also invited centres to carry out ad hoc monitoring exercises on the exchange of products, in particular at the regional level.