WMO Space Programme Overview
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Email: sat-help-desk@wmo.int and one of members of the WMO Space Programme will respond to your email.
Heikki Pohjola
Mr Heikki Pohjola has been working as Scientific Officer at WMO Space Programme since May 2019. Before his career at WMO he worked at EUMETSAT as a Remote Sensing Scientist for Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite mission and especially on its Lightning Imager (LI) instrument development. Before EUMETSAT he worked for a decade in the field of weather radars and lightning detection systems in private sector at Vaisala. He holds MSc in Meteorology from the University of Helsinki, where he started his career working at Finnish Meteorological Institute as a research scientist in the field of remote sensing.
Zoya Andreeva
Ms Zoya Andreeva joined WMO Space Programme as Scientific Officer in October 2021. Before joining WMO she was working for the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring for more than 15 years starting as technician and advancing to the position of head of laboratory at the State Research Center on Space Hydrometeorology “Planeta”. She received her PhD from the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography.
(Updated March 2023)