WWRP Expert Team on Weather Modification





WxMOD aims to promote scientific practices in weather modification research through its activities and through the organization of the scientific conferences or sessions on weather modification.

  • WxMOD should promote research related to microphysics and aerosols that can be leveraged by and related to the activities of the WWRP such as hydrology and precipitation, tropical cyclones, and urban prediction.
  • WxMOD should provide necessary expertise in chemical, dynamical, and physical processes involving cloud and precipitation evolution impacting weather and climate.
  • WxMOD should assist in the drafting of WMO documents on the status of weather modification and guidelines for providing advice to Members and to propose revisions to these documents where necessary.
  • WxMOD should promote research and education about weather modification through organizing scientific workshops, developing training materials, etc.

Working Group Members

  • Co-Chair: Andrea FLOSSMANN, Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand
  • Co-Chair: Steven SIEMS, Monash University 
  • Roelof BURGER, North-West University
  • Narihiro ORIKASA, JMA
  • Ayman Mohmmed ALBAR, NCM Saudi Arabia 
  • Omar AL YAZEEDI, NCM United Arab Emirates
  • Jing Duan, CMA
  • Micael Amore CECCHINI, University of São Paulo
  • Aminat MALKAROVA, Russian Hydrometeorological Service
