Endorsed and Partner Projects
Endorsed projects
North Atlantic Waveguide, Dry Intrusion, and Downstream Impact Campaign (NAWDIC)
(Linking to HiWeather and the Working Group on Predictability, Dynamics and Ensemble Forecasting (PDEF))
(2023 - 2026)
Purpose: NAWDIC is a new initiative for an international field campaign focusing on mid-latitude atmospheric dynamics with the aim to provide detailed observations for improving the understanding and modelling of the mesoscale tropopause structure, the dry intrusion air stream - PBL interaction, and their relation to high impact weather (HIW) in the North Atlantic region in winter. NAWDIC will build directly on insights from the North Atlantic Waveguide and Downstream impact EXperiment.
Focal point: Julian Quinting
Founding partners of the NAWDIC Project:
Advancing Nowcasting with Deep Learning techniques (ANDel)
Linking with the ADVANCE Project (Aiding Decision-making in Vulnerable Africa with Nowcasting of ConvEction)
(2023 - 2026)
Purpose: The ANDel Project is a pioneering initiative aimed at revolutionizing weather forecasting in West Africa. Leveraging cutting-edge DL techniques, ANDel seeks to drastically improve the precision and timeliness of weather predictions. Traditional nowcasting approaches often face challenges due to the need for frequent calibration and limited real-time data access. In contrast, DL techniques can learn intricate patterns from historical data and satellite imagery, enabling highly accurate predictions with minimal human intervention.
Focal point: Jeffrey Nii Armah Aryee
Founding partners of the ANDel Project:
Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER): Early Warnings for Southern Africa (EWSA)
Linking with the ADVANCE Project (Aiding Decision-making in Vulnerable Africa with Nowcasting of ConvEction)
(2023 - 2025)
Purpose: The WISER EWSA team of meteorologists, academics, economists, and user engagement specialists from South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique and the UK will work with disaster risk management agencies and non-governmental organisations, focusing on women and people with disabilities to reduce disaster risk through the co-production of new satellite based nowcasting information and services for early warnings.
Focal point: Douglas Parker
Founding partners of the WISER-EWSA project:
Atmospheric River Reconnaissance (AR-Recon)
Linking with Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology for Early Action (InPRHA) Project
(2024 - 2025)
Purpose: Revolutionize the physical understanding, observations, weather predictions, seasonal outlooks and climate projections of extreme events in Western North America, including atmospheric rivers, the North American summer monsoon and their impacts on floods, droughts, hydropower, ecosystems and the economy. (Overview – Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (ucsd.edu))
Focal point: F. Martin Ralph
Founded by:
Partners of the AR-Recon Project:
Flood Early Warning 4 Ethiopia: Urban Flood Warning for Africa as a step towards Early Warning for All
Linking with URBAN Prediction and Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology for Early Action (InPRHA) Projects
(2024 - 2025)
Purpose: The Project aims to demonstrate the implementation of a satellite-based nowcasting approach with local impact models for urban flood forecasting. the project responds to the global Anticipatory Action (AA) movement, in which the humanitarian aid sector moves from a responsive to a more pro-active approach for distributing humanitarian aid informed by early warning. The AA movement was followed by the UN EW4All initiative. The consortium has committed to the Water Action Agenda to support these global developments.
Focal point: Ruben Imhoff
Founding partners of the project:
Climate Risk and Early Warnings (CREWS) Central Africa
Linking with the ADVANCE Project (Aiding Decision-making in Vulnerable Africa with Nowcasting of ConvEction) and the Working Group on Nowcasting and Mesoscale Research (NMR)
(2023 - 2027)
Purpose: The project aims to enhance national early warning systems with a multi-hazard, impact-based and seamless approach, based on strong regional cooperation with 11 Central African countries (PRESAC and ECCAS member states of which 7 are LDCs and 1 SIDS: Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equitorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda and São Tomé and Príncipe). The project is proposed as a follow-up to the ECCAS Hydromet Forumheld from 4th to 6th May 2021.
Focal point: Tania Gascon
Founding Partners of the project:
Project Forecast of Antarctic Sea Ice Trend (FAST)
Linking with Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services (PCAPS) Project
(2025 - 2023)
Purpose: Project FAST aims to identify the proceeses leading to the melting of Antarctic sea ice due to warming through field observations and international collaborations. It seeks to develop a long-term forecast system and generate seasonal forecast of Antarctic sea ice, incoporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques.
Focal point: Emilia Kyung jin
Founding Partners of the project:
Climate Risk and Early Warnings (CREWS) East Africa
Linking with the ADVANCE Project (Aiding Decision-making in Vulnerable Africa with Nowcasting of ConvEction) and the Working Group on Nowcasting and Mesoscale Research (NMR)
(2023 - 2027)
Purpose: The four-year CREWS East Africa Project, aims to improve Early Warning Services (EWS) in East Africa and develop the coverage of impact-based early warning services across Lake Victoria and surrounding communities to support the East African Community (EAC) EWS Project Vision 2025.
Focal point: Jason Watkins
CREWS East Africa includes the following partners:
T-SCAN Turbulence and Supercool Clouds in Antarctica
Linking with the Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services (PCAPS) Project
Overview: This project consists of a field study of cloud dynamics and its relation with turbulence, combining balloon-borne measurements of atmospheric parameters and super liquid water content profiles, with remote observations of ground-based instruments, in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Focal point: Paola Rodriguez Imazio
Partners of the Project:
Resilience and Preparedness to Tropical Cyclones over Southern Africa (REPRESA)
Linking with the Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research (TMR), Tropical Cyclone-Probabilistic Forecast Products (TC-PFP) Project and Progressing EW4All Oriented to Partnerships and Local Engagement (PEOPLE) Project
(2023 - 2026)
Overview: REPRESA focuses on the impacts of landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) in Madagascar, Malawi, and Mozambique. Through knowledge sharing from different perspectives, REPRESA aims to leave a long-term legacy of improved in-country capability in multi-hazard impact-based forecasting, improved community-level early warning communication and improved resilience to tropical cyclones.
Focal point: Elizabeth Kendon
Partners of the project:
The Isfjorden Weather and Ocean Observing System (IWOOS)
Linking with the Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services (PCAPS) Project
(2025 - 2026)
Overview: The project aims to address critical gaps in atmospheric and oceanographic data in the Isfjorden region in Svalbard, particularly responding to the rapid Atlantification that impacts the area. This phenomenon has significantly reduced sea ice cover and changed marine ecology, which calls for enhanced monitoring and understanding of the changes.
Focal point: Marius O. Jonassen
Partners of the project:
Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) South
Linking with the Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services (PCAPS) Project
(2017 - ongoing)
Overview: The project focuses on coordinating, comparing, and evaluating the skill of seasonal Antarctic sea ice predictions, with a focus on the summer season. The project gathers contributions from over 20 participants worldwide, using both dynamical (process-based) and statistical (data-driven) prediction methods.
Focal point: Francois Massonnet
Partners of the project:
Seasonal-to-decadal climate predictability in the Mediterranean: process understanding and services (MEDUSSE)
Linking with the Sub-seasonal Applications for Agriculture and Environment (SAGE) Project
(2024 - 2028)
Overview: This project aims at establishing a network including researchers with expertise in climate variability, predictability, prediction, model development, forecasting tools, applications and end-users of climate information, fostering co-development of products/indicators of interest for different sectors in the Mediterranean.
Focal point: Javier Garcia-Serrano
Partners of the project:
Coupled Modelling and Observations in the Marginal Ice Zone
Linking with the Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services (PCAPS) Project
(2024 - 2026)
Overview: The main goal of the project is to observe and better understand the complex interplay between atmosphere, waves, and sea-ice in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) and to assess the predictive skill and uncertainties of coupled Arctic forecasting systems.
Focal point: Malte Müller
Founding Partners of the project:
The North American Upstream Feature-Resolving and Tropopause Uncertainty Reconnaissance Experiment (NURTURE)
Linking with the Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services (PCAPS) Project
(2024 - 2028)
Overview: NURTURE is a planned NASA-supported large-scale aircraft field campaign designed to advance knowledge of the processes that lead to extreme highimpact weather (HIW) events during the winter, such as severe cold air outbreaks, windstorms and hazardous seas, sea ice breakup, and extreme precipitation.
Focal point: Steven Cavallo
Partners of the project:
ANTSUBICE (Acoustic Navigation and communications Technologies for Submersible Units Below Ice and Cavity Exploration)
Linking with the Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services (PCAPS) Project
(2026 - 2032)
Overview: This multidisciplinary initiative aims to improve sea level rise projections by developing innovative autonomous underwater technologies to explore ice shelfocean interactions in Polar regions. These interactions significantly contribute to ice shelf stability and global sea level rise. The project focuses on developing and deploying autonomous submersible units with advanced sensors and communication systems to monitor the extreme sub-ice environments.
Focal point: Won Sang Lee
Partners of the project:
Previous Endorsed Projects
TEAMx (Multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains – programme and experiment)
(2018 - 2024)
Purpose: Improve our understanding of exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains and at evaluating how well these are parameterized in NWP and climate models.
Focal Point: Mathias Rotach
Founding partners of the TeamX project:
MedCyclones (European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate)
Linking with HiWeather, URBAN Prediction and Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology for Early Action (InPRHA) Projects
(2020 - 2024)
Purpose: This Action will coordinate the activities of researchers in meteorology and climatology and scientists from weather/climate services with the main aims to provide a deeper understanding of Mediterranean cyclones and to improve significantly the European capacity to predict their environmental and climate impacts. In this context, the network will identify, and involve in the network, relevant stakeholders with different backgrounds (e.g. civil protection, re-insurance companies) and co-develop cyclone prediction products tailored to their needs.
Focal point: Emmanouil Flaounas
Countries involved in the MedCyclones project: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland,Turkey, United Kingdom
Previous Partner Project
The Waves to Weather Project (W2W)
Purpose: Address the great challenge of identifying the limits of weather predictability in different situations and producing the best forecasts that are physically possible.
The W2W consortium consists of the following partners: