G3W Global Greenhouse Gas Watch Home

G3W the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch is a World Meteorological Organization Flagship aiming at coordinating Climate Action Support & Assessment for the Global Greenhouse Gases. G3W aims to provide Scientific, Technological and Services support to global climate mitigation efforts.

⚙️ G3W-WMO Space https://wmo.int/activities/global-greenhouse-gas-watch-g3w

🆕 G3W-IP News https://wmo.int/media/news/global-greenhouse-gas-watch-draft-implementation-plan-released

📈 G3W Study Group Joint Study Group on WMO Greenhouse Gas Monitoring | World Meteorological Organization

🗓️ G3W Phases:

  1. IPP = Implementation and Pre-operational Phase
  2. IOP = Initial Operational Phase
  3. EOP = Enhanced Operational Phase(s)