Technical Regulations Review Task Team

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Terms of Reference

To review WMO regulatory material, propose changes and oversee the preparation of a revised version of Technical Regulation – Volume III and proposal for the revision of other technical regulatory documents.
Proposed TT Activities:
1. Assess the needs for guidance and regulatory material of NHSs and the wider hydrological community and consider how these are currently met by WMO Technical Regulations and other external standards;
2. Perform a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of various possible options for the revision of regulatory material. Some options are provided as Annex I to this document, but the Task Team is invited to consider the pros and cons of each of the individual actions listed in Annex II and on their basis design other alternative options. The Task Team will identify the preferred option that will be endorsed by the President of the Commission for Hydrology;
3. Design a detailed action plan for the implementation of the selected option to be submitted for approval to EC-70 in 2018;
4. Review and update of the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume III and related regulatory publications according to the adopted action plan by EC-71 in 2019.

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