RA V Management Group


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Terms of Reference

The Management Group of Regional Association V (South-West Pacific) assists the president and makes recommendations on matters relevant to the Association with the following terms of reference:

(a) Prioritize, plan and coordinate the work of the Association and its subsidiary bodies in accordance with Congress and Executive Council resolutions/decisions and promote the execution of these resolutions/decisions in the region with the RA V Operating Plan contributing to the implementation of the WMO Strategic Plan;

(b) Oversee and guide the Reform in RA V, review the recommendations from the Task Team on the Regional Concept (TT-RC) and the Task Team on Regional Cooperation, Collaboration and Partnerships (TT-RCCP), and oversee the implementation of the recommendations;

(c) Review matters related to the work of the Association, in particular emerging issues or matters requiring actions that cannot wait for the next regular session of the Association;

(d) Establish and review the structure and work of the subsidiary bodies of the Association, including the implementation of their recommendations, and to disband or reorganize these bodies as needed;

(e) Select members of the subsidiary bodies from among candidates nominated by Members and establish specific task teams, as needed;

(f) Keep under review the requirements and priorities for developing the capacity of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of Members, training and other events to be organized in the region for the implementation of WMO programmes and activities;

(g) Oversee the activities of WMO-designated regional centres, such as Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs), Regional Training Centres (RTCs), Regional Instrument Centres (RICs), Regional Climate Centres (RCCs), Regional WIGOS Centres (RWCs) and WMO Information System (WIS) Centres;

(h) Address issues on strengthening partnerships with regional entities and other partners, including the private sector;

(i) Establish and monitor the implementation of the Operating Plan for the Enhancement of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in RA V and provide the Association’s input to the WMO Strategic and Operating Plan.

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