RA V Task Team on the Regional Concept

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Terms of Reference

(a) Guide the reform of approaches towards Regional Association business processes and working mechanisms by considering all relevant high-level guidance by the WMO Congress, Executive Council and the relevant Task Forces on how the regional work could be conducted;

(b) Propose the way forward in the implementation of this guidance, noting the characteristics of the region, including the diversity among Members in terms of capacity, levels of development, memberships in technical and political organizations, data policies, relations to the private and academic sectors, inter alia;

(c) Develop and review the new regional working structure, harmonizing it to the extent possible with the WMO constituent bodies (technical commissions and Research Board) and taking into account the different priorities among the Members, including the need to enhance intra-regional cooperation, focusing inter alia on areas of priority within the region (see Annex III for priorities from RA V-17), and recommending revisions when necessary;

(d) Review the terminology of the RA V subsidiary bodies taking into consideration updates on the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions, and recommend revisions when necessary;

(e) Submit its recommendations to the RA V president and the Management Group, which will agree on the further steps to be taken towards the implementation of the recommendations, keeping all RA V Members informed through the Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific.

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