Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones


Dr Agie Wandala Putra - Core member- ( Indonesia )
Dr Ananda Kumar Das - Core member- ( India )
Mr Andrew BURTON - Core member- ( Australia )
Mr Chris NOBLE - Core member- ( New Zealand )
Mr David BARBARY - Invited expert- ( France )
Mr Sebastien Langlade - Core member- ( France )
Mr Terry ATALIFO - Vice-chair- ( Fiji )

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Terms of Reference

With the overall objective of providing technical guidance and coordination in support of the delivery of globally consistent tropical cyclone related services, the Advisory Group on Tropical Cyclones shall:
1. Develop and submit proposals to update the relevant sections of the WMO technical regulations, including the Manual on the GDPFS;
2. Develop contributions to the WMO Strategic Plan with consideration of the UN General Assembly Resolution 2914 (XXVII);
3. Assist in implementing the resolutions, decisions or recommendations of Congress and Executive Council in cooperation with other subsidiary bodies of the Organization and external partners;
4. Foster coordination among the Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers conducting tropical cyclone forecasting (TC RSMCs) and Tropical Cyclone Warning Centers (TCWCs), such as:
a. Providing technical advice to the tropical cyclone (TC) regional bodies and as appropriate to WMO Members and partners implementing regional, sub-regional and cross-regional projects on TCs;
b. Identifying areas of priority in operational TC forecasting and warning services;
c. Promoting the harmonious development of regionally coordinated operational procedures;
d. Promoting close connections with the physical and social science communities to enable the integration of their areas of expertise in achieving improved operational forecast outcomes;
e. Promoting an increased awareness of disaster management processes including through the engagement of stakeholders such as humanitarian agencies;
f. Encouraging the harmonising and sharing of technical skills, competencies, good practices and supporting training programmes among all Members impacted by TCs;
5. Foster iterative engagement between the research and operational TC communities, and foster discussion and progress on emerging issues by, for example, proposing agenda items to the workshops such as the International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC) and International Workshop on Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones (IWSATC);
6. Review and advise on its terms of reference as necessary.

Designated representative of TC RSMCs and of TCWCs established by a WMO constituent body, from which a Chair and a vice-Chair will be selected and designated according to the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions.
Observers (invited on an ad hoc basis)
Representatives of collaborating programmes and other relevant bodies to ensure the coordination with global projects and areas such as Research and social sciences.
Modalities of work
· Tele/video conference every six months, or as the needs arise.
· Face to face meeting every two years or as needs arise, if agreed to by the parent commission or standing committee, normally organized by TC RSMCs/TCWCs host countries in rotation.

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