Study Group on Renewable Energy Transition

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Terms of Reference

(a) Conduct biennial gap analyses and needs assessments for public and private sector in the renewable energy industry at global, regional and national level as a foundation for providing support to NMHSs to strengthening full value chain delivery of weather, water and climate services for renewable energy;

(b) Produce annual reviews of Climate-driven Global Renewable Energy Potential Resources and Energy Demand;

(c) Compile good practices, technical publications, and guidelines, and demonstrated socio-economic benefits on the prioritized topics by the SG-RENE [New Zealand] (e.g. water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus, early warning for renewable energy, energy conversion models, etc.), as well as other identified topics as they emerge from the regular gap analyses;

(d) Promote capacity development and skills set building to enhance capabilities of NMHS in providing advanced and sustainable meteorological, hydrological and climatological services for the national renewable energy sector in a changing climate. Products should cover the seamless spectrum of timescales from historical data to nowcasting weather forecasting, sub-seasonal to seasonal climate forecasting, annual to decadal climate prediction and climate projection;

(e) Support public-private partnerships at national and regional levels to facilitate data exchange and service delivery between the energy industry and NMHSs;

(f) Define and implement initiatives on Water-Energy-Food Nexus through the lens of Renewable Energies in a changing climate, addressing both mitigation and adaptation actions;

(g) Strengthen external partnerships with global and regional organizations research and academia and the private sector (e.g., C3S, UN-Energy, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), International Energy Agency (IEA), IAEA, CDRI, UNECE, WTO, WEC, IHA, the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), SEforAll, ICL, ENEL Foundation, etc.) to join forces in supporting renewable energy services by WMO Members;

(h) Liaise with relevant WMO TCs, SCs, SGs and Research Board for identifying cross-cutting activities, joint forces and avoid effort duplications, as well as liaising with the RAs to identify Members' priority needs and any activities in the renewable energy area.

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