Task Force on JIU/2020/1 Recommendation 7

The Task Force on JIU/2020/1 Recommendation 7 shall advise the Executive Council on the framework of legislative changes necessary to meet the requirements of Recommendation 7 of JIU/REP/2020/1



Dr Roar SKÅLIN - Chair- ( Norway )

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Terms of Reference

Decision 17 (EC-73) – Consideration of reports of oversight bodies
The Executive Council,
Further decides:
(2) To request the President:
(a) To form an intersessional EC Working Group to establish the framework of legislative changes necessary to meet the requirements of Recommendation 7 of JIU/REP/2020/1. The progress of this EC Working Group shall be communicated to the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and to be further considered by EC-75 in 2022 to be presented to WMO Congress in 2023 for approval;
Decision 4 (EC-74) – Response and course of action for the recommendations of JIU/REP/2020/1 and JIU/REP/2021/1
The Executive Council,
(1) Having examined document EC-74/INF. 3.2(2),
(2) Takes note that a process has been agreed by the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) for the creation by the President, as requested by Decision 17 (EC-73), of an Executive Council working group to commence work no later than the end of January 2022 to establish the framework of legislative changes necessary to meet the requirements of Recommendation 7 of JIU/REP/2020/1;
(3) Requests the PAC to consider the final proposal of the working group and provide recommendations to the Council at its seventy-fifth session (EC-75) for its consideration and recommendation to the Congress at its nineteenth session (Cg-19);
Decision 5 (EC-74) – Review of the membership of the bodies established by Congress and the Executive Council
The Executive Council decides on the following appointments, replacements, and changes in the composition of the bodies established by Congress and the Executive Council:
EC Task Force on JIU/2020/1 recommendation 7
Mr M. Lacerda, Dr F. Teshome, Dr L. Uccellini, Ms C-L. Wong, Dr G. Zhuang and one vacant position to be filled by the President in consultation with EC members from RA-VI.

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