RA II Joint Expert Team on Environmental Observations and Services (JET-EOS)
About us
The RA II JET-EOS is led by Dr Saviz Sehat. It has a primary reporting line to the RA II WG Services, and a secondary reporting line to the RA II WG Infrastructure.

Documents and Publications
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Terms of Reference
(i) Lead the Joint Demonstration Project (JDP)
• RA II-17-J-DP-2: Improve observations and services for environmental needs, including air quality, and sand and dust storms
• RA II-17-J-DP-3: Improve drought observations and services
Coordinate the Pilot Project (PP)
• RA II-17-S-PP-1 Global Air Quality Forecasting Information System (GAFIS) Asia Pilot
(ii) Seek cooperation with relevant regional bodies and organizations on related environmental issues. Encourage more Members to join GAFIS Asia Pilot and Implementation Project “Strengthen Sand and Dust Storms services”, and improve regional and national atmospheric chemical capabilities on monitoring, modelling, forecasting, analysis and services;
(iii) Coordinate with the WMO Global Atmospheric Watch Programme, in cooperation with WMO Research Board, Infrastructure Commission, Services Commission, NMHSs, as well as international organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO), international research bodies, partners and other stakeholders;
(iv) Facilitate close cooperation for the implementation among operational service providers, semi-operational, and research efforts;
(v) Engage with the user community, carry out a regional/national survey to identify and understand the requirement for the areas and regions with a lack of adequate air quality/sand and dust storms services;
(vi) Promote the development of the observational infrastructure for atmospheric chemical observations, explore the data sharing mechanism in required data format, and build close cooperation network in the Region;
(vii) Organize workshop or online webinars to identify gaps, share data/information resources, exchange ongoing research findings, and additional needs for operational services and data requirements;
(viii) Promote and support the related education and training to increase the capacity development at all levels (e.g. urban level, national level, and regional level);
(ix) Collaborate with Study Group on Integrated Health Services of SERCOM;
• RA II-17-J-DP-2: Improve observations and services for environmental needs, including air quality, and sand and dust storms
• RA II-17-J-DP-3: Improve drought observations and services
Coordinate the Pilot Project (PP)
• RA II-17-S-PP-1 Global Air Quality Forecasting Information System (GAFIS) Asia Pilot
(ii) Seek cooperation with relevant regional bodies and organizations on related environmental issues. Encourage more Members to join GAFIS Asia Pilot and Implementation Project “Strengthen Sand and Dust Storms services”, and improve regional and national atmospheric chemical capabilities on monitoring, modelling, forecasting, analysis and services;
(iii) Coordinate with the WMO Global Atmospheric Watch Programme, in cooperation with WMO Research Board, Infrastructure Commission, Services Commission, NMHSs, as well as international organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO), international research bodies, partners and other stakeholders;
(iv) Facilitate close cooperation for the implementation among operational service providers, semi-operational, and research efforts;
(v) Engage with the user community, carry out a regional/national survey to identify and understand the requirement for the areas and regions with a lack of adequate air quality/sand and dust storms services;
(vi) Promote the development of the observational infrastructure for atmospheric chemical observations, explore the data sharing mechanism in required data format, and build close cooperation network in the Region;
(vii) Organize workshop or online webinars to identify gaps, share data/information resources, exchange ongoing research findings, and additional needs for operational services and data requirements;
(viii) Promote and support the related education and training to increase the capacity development at all levels (e.g. urban level, national level, and regional level);
(ix) Collaborate with Study Group on Integrated Health Services of SERCOM;
Related Groups
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