RA V WG-S Expert Team on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (ET-MMO)


Dr Luteru Tauvale - Core member- ( Samoa )
Mr Floyd Viliamu - Associate expert- ( Niue )
Mr Max Norman Sitai - Associate expert- ( Solomon Islands )
Mr Nursalleh Chang - Co-leader- ( Malaysia )
Mr Robb Prieto Gile - Core member- ( Philippines )
Mr Stephen MEKE - Leader- ( Fiji )
Mr Tavau Vaaia - Associate expert- ( Tuvalu )
Ms Ellen Luke - Core member- ( Vanuatu )
Ms Rossylynn PULEHETOA-MITIEPO - Associate expert- ( Niue )

Documents and Publications

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Terms of Reference

(a) To strengthen the provision of marine meteorological services amongst Members through, inter alia, facilitating the uptake of modern technologies and application of quality management principles in service delivery;

(b) To identify critical gaps in marine data coverage and liaise with the Working Group on Infrastructure’s Expert Team on Regional WIGOS Implementation (ET-WIGOS) to address these gaps through the integrated design of observing networks;

(c) To promote the development of coastal inundation and storm surge projects in the region, such as the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Initiative (CIFI);

(d) To enable the development of new operational capacity, specialized training, effective outreach and mitigation, by leveraging existing efforts under the WMO RA V working structure, such as the joint WMO Tropical Cyclone and Marine Meteorology and Oceanography Training Workshops, and output from the CIFI capacity development activities;

(e) To coordinate with relevant SERCOM subsidiary bodies and provide advice to the Working Group on Services on the above issues;

(f) To coordinate, as appropriate, with other relevant regional expert teams/groups outside of WMO in order to minimize duplication of work and maximize collaboration.

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