GCW Focal Point for Polar Regional Climate Centres

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Terms of Reference

The role of the Polar Regional Climate Centres Focal Point is to facilitate the engagement of GCW-AG substructures and provide expert contributions to the increased access to cryosphere observations, data and information and the development of relevant cryospheric products for Regional Climate Centre (RCC) for polar and mountain regions, specifically the Third Pole RCC – network (TPRCC-network), Arctic RCC-network and the Antarctic RCC-network, as well as the associated Climate Outlook Forums, as defined in the GCW Pre-operational plan approved by Resolution 18 (EC-73).
1. Facilitate two-way communication and the engagement of relevant GCW teams and experts to enhance the access to cryosphere and ancillary data necessary in support of the goals of the respective regional climate centres;
2. Facilitate the engagement of relevant GCW teams and experts to support the development of relevant cryospheric products for RCC for polar and mountain regions, specifically the TPRCC-Network, Arctic RCC-network and the Antarctic RCC-network, as well as the associated Climate Outlook Forums;
3. Represent GCW AG on activities of the Arctic RCC-Network, Third Pole RCC-Network, the proposed Antarctic RCC-Network, and other similar structures;
4. Report to GCW-AG on key priorities of the respective Polar Regional Climate Centres (to which GCW is expected to contribute) and on the nature of the expected contributions through the GCW-AG;
5. Consult with GCW-AG members on the feasible engagement of GCW experts to meet specific Polar RCC needs;
6. Report on the results of GCW – AG to Polar RCC meetings and Polar Climate Forums;
7. Support proposals for inclusion of cryosphere relevant functions in the GDPFS manual, which would reflect the specifics of polar RCCs.
8. Make recommendations on reported gaps regarding cryosphere information and compile which reported gaps could be communicated through GCW-AG reports to INFCOM;
9. Make recommendations to GCW-AG on how to sustainably support the on-going activities of polar RCCs.

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