RA II WG-I Expert Team on Satellite Observations and Applications (ET-SOA)


Bui Thi Hong Trang - Associate expert- ( Viet Nam )
Kim jinyoung - Core member- ( Republic of Korea )
LEE, Soyoung - Associate expert- ( Republic of Korea )
Mr Di Xian - Core member- ( China )
Mr Kotaro BESSHO - Core member- ( Japan )
Ms KIM, Okhee - Associate expert- ( Republic of Korea )

Documents and Publications

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Terms of Reference

(i) Lead the Implementation Project (IP)
• RA II-17-I-IP-6: Improve satellite observations and applications
Coordinate the Pilot Project (PP)
• RA-II-17-I-PP-1: Expansion of marine weather satellite broadcast service in Asia-Pacific
(ii) Liaise with coordinator of satellite matters of INFCOM and INFCOM Expert teams, in particular SC-ON ET-SSU;
(iii) Maintain regional requirements for satellite data and products;
(iv) Develop and execute regional training plans for the use of satellite data and products with WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology (VLab) and WMO regional Training Centres (RTCs);
(v) Consider developing software/tools and methods for application of satellite observations in operational forecasting;
(vi) Support the SC-ON ET-SSU activities regarding WMO Members regarding matters with regional perspectives;
(vii) Collaborate with satellite expert teams in other Regions;

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